36 | Archer

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Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.

My jaw scrapes against the floor, a bruise blooming.

I groan, moving my hands under me and push myself up.

A foot slams into my spine, knocking me back to the floor and the breath rushes out of me.

I wheeze, forcing my head to the side to glare at the man above me.

His bulbous nose scrunches as he smirks at me, thin lips with a scar down the top lip.

His heel digs into my back, small, sharp circular movements as he forces me into the ground.

I struggle to get a breath in, but I don't show it.

He chuckles a dark laugh, lifting his foot off of me and walking backwards, hands up placatingly.

I watch him as I push myself up, my head snapping to the door as it's thrown open.

Dimitri and his two lackeys enter, letting my torturer leave and shutting the door behind him.

I spit the wad of blood pooling in my mouth at Dimitri feet, glaring through the pain in my face.

"Where is she?" I hiss, tasting the blood coating my lips.

Dimitri tuts, amber eyes skimming down my figure.

"I would have preferred you unmarred for what comes next, but I guess we can't have everything, huh."

I tilt my head at the man, lips lifting in a snarl as I dare him with my eyes to approach me.

"Hello, Archer. How are you this fine morning?"

"Where the fuck is she?!"

"Good mood, I see." He folds his hands behind his back, walking around the room as his men crowd the doorway.

He wipes a finger along the wall, grimacing when his fingers comes back with dirt.

"Lovely accommodation." He turns to me, frowning.

"Why are you doing this?"

"That's such a dull subject. I'd much rather talk about you."

I narrow my eyes, not giving him any information.

He shakes his head, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"What do you know about Samael Coffer?" He asks and my mind instantly focuses on the subject of the conversation, Director coming to mind.

"I see." He says when I don't reply. "What about his daughters?"


I don't show the emotion on my face even as my mind fills with questions.

"Agent Eleven is the oldest, correct?" He walks past me, his amber eyes running over the cracks in the wall before disappearing from my vision. "You knew that didn't you? Knew the man had a daughter, two really but no one talks about the youngest anymore." He gets a weird look on his face at that moment before shaking himself out of the stupor.

He tilts his head. "You're very forthcoming with your information, Archer." He laughs.

I narrow my eyes, spitting at his feet.

One of the guys at the door shoots forward fist raiser, I move. Ducking under the swing of his arm, and standing straight in one swift move, shoving my elbow into his back, sending him headfirst into the wall.

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