10 | Eleven

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Rule number ten; eat pasta, run faster.

A giggle escapes my painted lips as one of my hand's clutches to the button up shirt of the man beside me. A martini glass held in the other. Some of the liquid in the glass slips over the edge and lands on the bar as I move closer to the man. My eyes hooded seductively.

His eyes twinkle as he continues with his story, his palm resting on my thigh. His thumb rubbing small circles against the bare skin. He turns towards me, leaning in until his face is dangerously close to mine.

Taking a sip of my drink, I set it down as the water rushes down my throat, cooling the heat.

"I'll be back in just a moment." Lucien says, climbing from his seat and walking for the toilets. My shoulders slump as I swallow the rest of my water down, letting the glass rest between my fingers.

A body slips in beside mine, the shape of his body already familiar to me.

I turn to face Archer, lifting a brow at his brooding face, the glare on his features causing my stomach to swoop.

"What?" I ask, my eyes going to the bathroom, cautious of the target seeing him.

"You left."

A small laugh escapes my lips as I turn my head slightly to face him and shrug, "You followed."

His lips quirks up at my answer, mouth opening to reply.

He doesn't get the chance as I turn away from him, fixing a smile on my face as I stand and begin walking towards the bathrooms, catching Lucien just as he exits the hallway.

"So, Sierra, you want to get out of here?" My eyes stare into his blue ones as I nod breathlessly, letting him take my arm as he leads me out of the building, all the while feeling eyes on my back. We walk closer to Archer, and I lift my hand, letting the fingers skim the underside of Lucien's jaw, capturing his attention.

"Oh, my bag." I quickly leave his side, walking back towards where Archer sits, his back to us once more. Grabbing my clutch, I murmur lowly. "Give me forty minutes."

"You have thirty." He replies, his head turning slightly to look at me, the grin on his face wicked. "Make it count, Sarge."

I grind my teeth at the nickname, knowing Archer chose it for a reason. Just another little reminder of my position in his team. He may be calling me Sergeant, but it's mocking, reminding me that I'm the furthest thing from a sergeant in his mind.

I narrow my eyes on his grinning face.

"Thirty minutes." He says, "Time starts now."

I spin around, walking back towards the target. He leads me out of the building, towards his car, opening the door for me.

The leather seats are cold as I take a seat in the man's Lamborghini. His face hovers dangerously close to mine as he reaches over to buckle me in. His fingers making a slight detour on their way to the buckle and skimming over my upper thighs. Dangerously close to a place I will kill him if he touches.

The small sensual smile on my lips does not say that though.

His hot breath fans over my lips as he lingers longer than necessary before pulling back. Eye's twinkling, I give him a tiny smirk as he shuts the door and makes his way over to his side and gets in the driver's seat. Starting the ignition, his car roars to life and we travel away from the bar.

The car ride remains in a comfortable silence as we drive to his apartment. Fiddling with my fingers I open my clutch and pick through it as we come to a stop at the lights.

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