28 | Archer

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I'm bad, I like doing the things you tell me not to.

My footsteps are silent in the vast warehouse, the sound of my breathing echoing in my head with every forward step. Clay sticks close by, Liam coming up the rear, his hands curled around his gun comfortably.

I hold my own in my hand, the barrel pointed to the ground as we turn another corner, listening for any sign of our killer.

A scrape screeches behind us and I twist, lifting my gun to the man lingering by the far wall, his back to us.

"Sebastian." Clay says, voice firm. "Turn around."

I see the mans shoulder moves up and down before he slowly turns to face us, his amber eyes connecting to mine and I blink, the only sign of my shock.

The amber-eyed man grins, "Not who you expected?"

The man that escaped the night of Daphne's murder stares back at us, that same air of authority blanketing him.

"Who are you?" I say.

He chuckles, and I see Clay tighten his grip on his gun, lifting it to the man.

"That's not important." His eyes narrow on Clay, and he hums, lips quirking. "Interesting."

Clay glares back at him, "Who are you?" He repeats the same question I asked, his voice hard.

The amber-eyed man's lips quirk to the side, "I think the better question is, who are you?"

My brows furrow, watching the confusion enter my friends face as I slowly walk around to surround the man from the side, seeing Liam do the same.

"How do you know Sebastian?" Clay asks.

Amber eyes tilts his head, "Who?"

"What are you, a fuckin' owl?" Liam mutters, glaring at the man.

Amber eyes ignores him, "Where is Agent Eleven?"

"What do you want with her?" I hiss, stepping forward.

He rolls his eyes, "I don't want anything. I prefer my dolls with darker hair." He looks to Clay, "Pity Cleo colours hers."

"Who the fuck are you?" Clay yells.

Amber eyes doesn't answer, only smiles back before his eyes widen comically when an explosion rocks the warehouse, his eyes flashing back to me. "And pop goes the girlfriend."

My head snaps to the window, a blazing fire the only view and I look to Clay, seeing him nod his head slightly before I rush for the door, skidding to a stop when numerous men walks through the doors, brandishing weapons.

Amber eyes tuts, "You didn't think I would let you go without a goodbye, did you? Show some hospitality Archer."

• • •

I hiss, jumping back from the powerful fist, ducking out of the way and blocking.

He moves fast, his small body aiding in the fight.

I throw out a fist, connecting with his jaw before jumping out of the way of his returning one.

His face is murderous, eyes intent on mine as he watches me with vigour.

"You know the chances of survival after an explosion like that are quite low." I hear amber eyes call out from somewhere in the room, voice echoing as he leaves, a small entourage of men following.

I grind my teeth, my movement quickening, more force behind my hits.

I throw out my left hand and jab my opponent in the nose. His head flies back, the blood rolling down his face and pooling on his shirt. I spin around and lift my leg up, watching as his body falls with the force of my kick.

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