16 | Eleven

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Rule number sixteen; Progress, not perfection.

I sit close to the game table. My actions eager and curious, my mind fully focused on the match being played and the man beside me.

At least that's what anyone looking at me sees.

I subtly dip my hand into the clutch on my lap and grasp the handful of chips, letting them slip between my fingers in boredom. The fake chips knock against each other in my palm as I wait for my moment to strike.

A yell echoes out within the room and faces turn to the commotion. The elite and addicted alike all eager to grasp a bit of gossip.

Seems I don't have to wait long before a commotion starts.

I almost roll my eyes when I see one of the women that was previously on Liam's arm now pushed behind another man. The two standing off against each other, the man's shoulders tense and face murderous.

Liam only winks back, taking a sip of the amber liquid occupying the crystal glass. His grin only widening after the man spits something at him.

I turn back to the table, ignoring the impending fight and start on my plan.

I lean against the game table, tilting my head curiously. Bits of blonde hair falling to linger against my exposed shoulder.

I glance up lazily and see no one paying attention to the game. Lifting my hand from my purse, I let the pile of chips fall to meet the pile on the table. Looking around for witnesses as I do, but I see only one pair of eyes staring at me and I'd rather they weren't. His hazel eyes watch me curiously, a trail of molten lava running from my eyes to my hand.

And no, it was not pleasurable.

Murmurs break out as security guards push their way through the growing crowd. They interrupt the fight between Liam and the other guy. They pull them apart and escort them towards the elevator, most likely taking them to the top to face punishment for being disorderly in the prestigious establishment.

I glance back to Archer and raise a brow at his smirk, his grin only widens as he winks back at me and turns away.


I watch from the corner of my eyes as the guard takes Liam and his opponent closer to the elevator, yet walks past it, bypassing it all together.

I turn back to Archer and tip my chin with a smirk as his slowly disappears.

The challenge in his gaze brightens as he stares back at me. I ignore him, turning back to the table as the interest is lost, and everyone resumes in the game.

Chips are set on the green carpeted table and bets are placed. Jewellery and worthy items scattered among them.

I sit seemingly uninterested in the game as I lean towards my target. I clutch his bicep and squeeze gently. The pretty blonde girl more interested in her date than the money gained.

The colour of my hair helps in the disguise since people only see what they want to see. The stupid blonde girl has helped in many disguises over my career. I'll despise the day people realise one isn't defined by what they look like.

Out of the corner of my eyes I watch the chips that don't belong, the ones I'd placed there.

And soon, I won't be the only one who knows.

See these aren't just any chips, these chips don't belong to this casino, and they will know. As soon as chips not belonging to this casino are placed onto the table, an alarm is tripped. A light glowing under the dealers' side of the table. The worker then sounds an alarm for security.

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