18 | Eleven

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"Where have you been?" The voice comes from my left as I enter the house and I look, finding Archer standing in the archway, his eyes on me.

My heart stutters in my chest and I swallow before answering, looking up through my lashes at him, lips lifting up just slightly. "I needed to calm down."

Archer's eyes stay narrowed on mine, so I bring a hand to his chest, and add on, "Which was your fault by the way."

He chuckles, "How is it my fault?"

I grin up at him. "You started that little game of yours, but you didn't end it,"

I feel his chest jump under my palm, a quick intake of breath.

"We got interrupted." He husks.

I look around the empty hallway, before looking back at him with a raised brow. "I don't see any interruptions right now."

"We have to be up early in the morning, and you've been out half the night."

"Haven't you heard, an orgasm before bed makes for a good night's sleep." I simper with a grin, before I pat his chest and step back. "But if you don't want any part of it, I can do it myself-"

His hand wraps around my wrist, stopping me from moving and drags me back towards him, wrapping his arms around my body, trapping me.

"I haven't had a good night's sleep in a while." He says lowly and I laugh.

He grins, dragging me through his doorway.

I stumble back into the door, my breathe leaving my lungs on a quick exhale before Archer's lips move to my neck, sipping on my skin like I'm the finest of wines.

I wrap my arms around his neck, sinking my fingers into his flesh as he sucks and nips at my neck and shoulder, his hands running from mid back to my ass, squeezing it in his palms.

I gasp, my head dropping back to the door, causing his lips to release my neck.

I unwrap my arms, slowly dropping to my knees in front of him, hands grabbing it his covered hips.

Archer watches me with a lust filled gaze, his hands coming up to my hair and winding it in his fist.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't let you do all the work." I say around a grin, slipping my hand into the waist band of his track pants, curling my fingers around his dick.

I watch his face as I drag my hand up and down slowly, his eyes holding and mouth popping open just slightly before I pull him free, running the tip of my thumb along the head.

"Fuck." He whispers, so lowly I almost miss it.

A groan releases from him, his fist in my hair tightening and causing just a touch of pain along my scalp just before I plant my lips on his head, and open wide, sucking him deep and using my hands to stroke the parts I can't reach.

"Oh, fuck."

I almost smile at the sound of pleasure, humming in the back of my throat as I move up and down, twisting my wrist up and down in time with my mouth.

One of Archer's hands moves to the side of my face, cupping my jaw and ear, guiding my movements, causing me to speed up to match his rhythm.

His hips start postponing forward, the head of his cock hitting the back of my throat, eyes watering as I take him deeper.

Seconds later his hands are on my face, pulling me off of him and I look up.

"I want to be inside you when I cum." He says to my silent question, helping me stand, his eyes roving over my face. "Fuck, how do you do this to me."

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