12 | Archer

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Rule number twelve; Death is the only god who comes when you call.

"On a scale of one to ten how mad would you be if-"

"What happened?" I sigh exasperated, rubbing my temples.

"We have a dead body in the basement." Liam says.

What the fuck.

I stride towards him, past him and out the door, Liam following at my steps like a puppy.

"What happened?" I ask as I push the door next to the training room open, stalking down the stairs to the basement.

I turn to Liam as he shrugs, his shoulders lifting in a half-hearted attempt at innocence.

"I only tortured him a little."


He only grins before pointing at the dead body strapped to a chair in the basement. "He started foaming at the mouth, I didn't even get the chance to touch his skin." He breathes in harshly, brushing shaggy hair out of his blue eyes. "He was dead when I came down here."

"Cyanide." I say at the same time as the steps creak above. I look over my shoulder, tilting my head to the man stalking down them.

Clay says nothing before striding for the body, narrowing his gaze on the once lively vessel.

"I'll call clean up." He mutters in frustration.

"Let Director know, we don't need this coming back to bite us in the ass."

Clay nods, slipping his phone from his pocket as I walk back up the stairs, Liam following closely behind as I exit the basement.

I open the basement door, stopping at the sight of Eleven pushing the training room door open. Her head turns to us, brow lifting.

My eyes trace down her body unbidden, stare heavy lidded.

Liam whistles beside me, "Damn, she thick."

My focus cuts to him, eyes narrowing.

He grins, "I'm talking about the tension." He purses his lips, dragging tattooed fingers through strawberry locks and waltzes past me. "Tootle-loo."

He nods at Eleven, "Morning."

"You're meant to be training." I remind him.

"My only fans is looking boring lately, got to update that shit."

I roll my eyes as he continues out the front door, disappearing.

I look back towards the woman in front of me, her stare glued to the side of my face.

As my attention settles on her she glances away, shutting the training room door behind her.

I step forward, fingers reaching for the door handle.

"Nope," A voice interrupts and my head snaps to the stairs, seeing Cleo walking down them. "You are not going in there."

"What are you talking about?" I drop my fist to my side, looking away from the door like I wasn't seconds from walking in and locking it behind me.

"We're going running." A new voice appears, and I turn, finding Clay behind me.

"Really, Clay?" I raise a brow.

Clay grins back, "Really."

I look back at Cleo to see her grinning too.

I lift my brow at Cleo, before looking to Clay. "You two are a match-"

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