13 | Eleven

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Rule number thirteen; We try to hide our feelings but we forget that our eyes can speak.

I press my back against the wall, silencing my thoughts and my breathes as I wait for my target to appear.

The woman walks around the corner, heels clicking against the pavement as I stumble in front of her.

I pull the hood over my head as I sway, bumping shoulders with her.

She scoffs, pulling away from me with a look of disgust.

"Whoops." I slur a giggle as I push back from her before rocking forwards again. She glares down at me, stalking off. I look at her phone in my hand and the keys to her apartment dangling from my fingers.

I close my fist around them before turning the corner and walking to my car.

I hop in the beat-up ford before turning the ignition on. Unlocking the phone and going through her contacts, smirking when I find the name of my other target.

I send a quick text from the woman to her sister. Asking her to meet at the woman's apartment before locking it and throwing it on the passenger seat.

What's the saying; two bids, one stone?

My own personal phone lights up with a text as I buckle in. I grab it.

'Agent Eleven, requested to base immediately.'

I call Director before the text has fully registered.

He picks up on the fifth ring.

"I'm not coming to base. Tell me what's happening." I say into the phone before he has the chance to say anything, starting the ignition with one hand.

The call connects to the bluetooth, and I drop my phone on the passenger seat.

"Agent." He breathes out, the tension in his voice obvious.

"Samael." I sneer.

"This is not a conversation for over the phone."

"Just tell me, I have a mission to complete." My eyes glance in the rear-view mirror at the oncoming traffic. I flick the indicator on,

There's a long stretch of silence. "Agent Twelve is M.I.A."

My hand cuts the ignition on the car, and I reach for the phone, bringing it to my ear.

"Where was she last seen?" I ask, swallowing back my emotions as my throat burns.

"Eleven, you're not going after her. I have a team on it."

"No, they don't know Lilac like I do. I'll be able to find her."


"I'll figure it out. I know who she was going after."

The infamous hitman, Jedrik Molotov.

"We'll find her."

"No, you won't. I will."

I hang up the phone, letting it fall to my lap as I bring the car back to life and pull from the curb, ignoring the beeping car behind me and speeding down the road.

• • •

I slam my hand into the wheel as the smoke billows from the engine, my eyes blurring.

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