08 | Archer

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Rule number eight; adios bitchachos.

The morning is still dark out as I walk through the training room doors, my eyes shifting around the room for Agent Eleven but she's missing.

I sigh, glancing to the clock on the wall and narrow my eyes.

Five AM.

I don't bother waiting around, knowing exactly where she is and what she's doing.

She thinks that I'll just let her get away with it, well I have news for her, I don't give up.

Turning, I give the door my back as I walk back up the stairs, towards the room across from mine.

My eyes find her bedroom door instantly and I'm standing in front of it within a few steps, my hand turning the knob and pushing it open.

I snap on the light, my eyes moving straight to Agent Eleven, who still sleeps in her bed.

Grinding my teeth, I move closer and fling her sheets off.

"Get up. Now!" I start, watching her dark eyes flinch open, her hand reaching under her pillow, no doubt to pull out a weapon.

I'm not about to have a repeat of our first encounter.

"Get up, get ready and get to the training room, now."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She snaps, her voice still husky from sleep, "You don't have to treat me like a child."

I only raise a brow in reply and turn, leaving her to get ready.

"If you're not down in five minutes I'll be back up here dragging your ass down there." I look down at her, her eyes shooting daggers up at me. "Even if you're naked."

She only huffs in reply.

"And bring your weapons with you, all of them." I shut her door behind me.

• • •

I lean against the wall, my hands folded in front of me and let the smirk slip onto my face as I watch the clock tick down.

Five minutes is up.

I push from the wall, shaking my head before I stop as the door is pushed open and the woman of the house slips through.

She raises a challenging brow at me and looks up and down, noticing me in the middle of the room and she looks to the clock.

"Was I a little late?" She murmurs, letting the door shut behind her with a shrug, her eyes falling on me with a wicked gleam before she drops a bag at my feet.

I glance down at it, humming and notice the array or weapons inside before looking back at her.

Does the saucy little minx really expect me to believe she's given me everything. "That's everything?"

She nods, turning away from my eyes. "Just like you asked."

I grunt in reply, letting her think I believe her, flicking my chin to the mat. "Let's begin."

She doesn't reply, just walks to the middle of the mat and then turns to face me.

I step on, the mat sinking under my weight as I stand opposite her, my eyes tracking down her body, analysing the muscles I can see beneath her skin.

"Are you just going to stare or we going to actually train?"

My eyes snap to hers. "We'll begin with a quick spar, just so I can judge your current abilities."

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