07 | Eleven

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Rule number seven; it's never my loss, respectfully.

The steam from the shower still lingers around my body as I step out and grab a towel from under the sink, wrapping it around me. My eyes flick up to the mirror opposite me, brown eyes familiar yet different at the same time. I blink away my reflection, exiting the ensuite and grabbing the duffel beside the bed, sitting it beside me as I rest on the mattress.

I pull out the file Director had added to the ones I'd asked for, throwing it on the bed before reaching in and retrieving clothes.

I lean over, tucking a piece of white-blonde hair behind my ear as I flip the file open.

A black and white photo stares back at me, the man behind the lens staring with a predator's gaze, face all sharp angles and oozing danger.

Sebastian Smith. Missing In Action.

I move the photo away, scanning his information quickly.

Fifty-three deaths under his belt. An excessive amount even for an Agent.

I flip open the other files, reading the names quickly.

Carlisle Jones.

Rachel McCall.

Lilly Hackett.

Jamie Killorn

Sitting the files side by side, I compare their information.

All four are of similar ages, while Sebastian was only a year younger than me. Rachel and Carlisle were both found dead days after they missed check in, the skin flayed from their body.

I blink at the mental image, the rage that must have been behind the kills large.

The rest are still unaccounted for, though Sebastian has the most chance of still being alive.

I move the paper over, reading the information on the task he was assigned when he went missing.


I blink, flipping the file over yet no information is shown on his last case, the file relatively blank.

I slap the file beside me, reaching for my computer to begin the tedious process of accessing his sealed records.

It takes longer than I would have liked but finally the information appears across my screen, the letter appearing as if currently being typed. 

My eyes scan the information, locking onto the name of his last known mission.

Sebastian was delving into Richard Head's life, the CEO of Green Acres Enterprises.


My eyes drift away from the screen when chatter erupts from below me, slipping between the crack of the door and floor.

"What have we got on his last mission?" Archer's distinctive voice sounds, and I pause my movements, straining to listen.

My mind goes to his file, shifting through the information I know.

Adopted at a young age, birth parents' unknown. Trained at The Division from ages thirteen to eighteen. Childhood best friend and fifth team member, Scarlett, followed in his footsteps, died a year ago while on a mission.

"Richard Head." A new voice begins.

Clay. Trained from the moment he could walk, though his specialties include intelligence and hacking. A point of contention with his father, The Director-

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