19 | Eleven

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Rule number seventeen; go wild for awhile.

I slip out of my room the next morning, , watching as Archer appears below, Cleo and Clay following behind him as he makes his way up the stairs quickly.

"Eleven, give me the details." Liam shouts.

I glance up blinking before Archer grabs my hand, dragging me behind him and back into my room.

"What was that about?"

His chin flicks down, eyes narrowing before drifting past my shoulder as silence ensues.

"What details?" I prod.


I smirk at his wide eyes. "What details?"

"No details."

"Details about what?"

"Don't know what you're talking about."

A bang echoes against the door and I reach forward.

"Sarge-" Archer tries to stop me but I evade his grip, opening the door.

"Fucking hell." Archer hisses, his eyes narrowed at the boy on the other side, who holds a pen and paper.

"What are they for?"

"So, you can write down the details?" He shoves the items into Archer chest.


"Oh, come on." Liam whines, looking over to me "Are you guys fucking yet?" He asks while nodding his head. "Daddy needs a new gun so say yes."

"Piss off." Archer slams the door, his head hitting it as his shoulders drop.

"Those details?" I hush, my gaze tracing over his back.

He spins, his hands settling on my hips as he swiftly switches out positions, my back against the door and him in front of me, crowding me back.

"We have to go downstairs." I hush.

"It can wait." He rumbles, his face so close to mine. "You left my bed last night."

"Didn't want to overstay my welcome."

He hums lowly, "next time, don't leave,"

A short laugh exits me, "next time?" I shake my head, "What makes you think there'll be a next time?"

A cocky smirk takes over his features, his eyes narrowed on mine but he doesn't answer, his hands lifting to rest at the base of my throat.

"How fast do you think I can make you cum?"

A sigh escapes my parted lips, "Ten minutes."

He laughs, the sound causing heat to pool at my core, fingers tightening on my throat. "Three minutes." He counters.

A knock sounds on the door, "We're leaving soon, are you guys coming?" Clays voice echoes.

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