22 | Eleven

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In the end, we were all just human . . . drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.

I collapse back on the mattress, groaning into the silence and let my head fall to the side.

I stop when something catches me eye, my focus settling on the box on the bedside table. I sit up, pulling the box to me. I pull off the lid, grabbing the top paper and rereading it.

Subject #005661 - Seventh injection | 26/02/2020 (D/M/Y)

Gender: M

Age: seventeen

Weight: 63kg

Blood type: O Positive.

Patient has been noted to show a complete negative reaction to injection. Respiratory distress and shortness of breath noted. Upon oscillation wheeze in notes as well as the sound of wet lungs, (possible pneumonia).

Heart rate persistently > 120 with increasing tachycardia. Sudden decease in level of conscious.

No stimulus to pain, sound, light, or noise.

Sudden inset of seizures noted. Code blue rapid response has been called upon. Patient vital continued to drop at an increased rate.

Blood pressure dropping below an 80 mm Hg.

EKG and EEG Galen ya orient bedside.

Arrhythmia notes and patient is seen to be in sudden cardiac arrest. Manual resuscitation implemented and patient has been bagged and tubed.

CPR continued and defibrillation commenced.

Post proactive care: patient not breathing. Patient found to have continued unresponsiveness. No respirations, no pulse, no heart, or breath sounds auscultated.

Death pronounced by Dr. Daphne Jefferson at 1930.

My finger hovers over the date, flipping the paper around but that's all the information. I sit it beside me, grabbing the other two and placing them on top of it before digging through the rest of the contents before finally finding one that has differing information.

Gender: F

Age: twenty-six

Weight: 61kg

Blood type: AB Negative.

Patient has had an adverse reaction; DS has ordered a destruction of all known paperwork. Subject to be destroyed.

I drop the paper beside the others.

Tyres squeal past the window, and I get up, pushing myself off the bed.

Moving the blinds slightly, I peek out the window, narrowing my eyes on the car exiting the street.

I blow out a breath at my paranoia and walk back to the bed, folding the papers back up and stuffing them back in the box.

I drop it back on my bed as the faint sound of an engine echoes and I walk back to the window, keeping my back to the wall as I peek out.

The same car as before drives past, slowly before speeding off.

QWE 367

I walk back to the bed, grabbing my laptop and booting it up.

I run the plate through the database, tapping my fingers as I wait for it to load.

Registered to a Doctor. Daphne Jefferson.

I swear, shutting the lid and grabbing the box, knowing it wasn't safe to be hidden in this house. I quickly pull on a jumper and sneakers before jogging down the stairs silently.

• • •

I park outside, pausing and staring at the house before getting off my bike.

The night is silent, calming as I walk up the driveway.

The house sits lonely, dark, and brooding, not one sign of life lighting it up. But still, I continue on.

Not much had changed from a few days ago, the grass still looking neatly trimmed but the house sat lonely, leaves gathering on the rooftop but not much else.

I walk around the left side, scouting the side of the house before walking for the hiking trail behind it, my eyes flickering from Daphne's house to the ground every few seconds until I reach a decently high point, while still being able to see the house.

I crouch down, eyes narrowed on the ground, before flicking my gaze up, finding the patched up window, and manoeuvre my body until I get the perfect vantage point to shoot a woman through her own window.

I look to the ground, gaze skimming over packed dirt and leaves before an item catches my attention.

Reaching forward I take hold of the small piece of glass, the image of a symbol printed on the side. Searching for more pieces I come up empty handed and look back at the piece in my hand, thumb skimming over the logo.

The noise of multiple cars erupts in the thoughtful silence, and I stand up, brushing the dirt from my body before taking the trail downwards and towards my bike again.

Slipping the small piece of glass safely in my pocket, before riding my bike somewhere I can stash the box.

• • •

The door shuts behind me on quiet hinges, my gaze tracking the walls and silent halls as I walk through the house and up the stairs.

The hallway is dim, light coming from under the door opposite mine, I watch the door as I walk down the hallway, trying to keep my footsteps as light as possible before reaching my door and twisting the knob.

The squeak of hinges has me spinning, eyes stopping on Archer shirtless in the doorway opposite mine.

"Sergeant, where have you been?" He asks, leaning with crossed arms on the door frame, hazel eyes shadowed but I can feel them tracking me.

I tear my eyes away from his chest, looking into those hazel irises.

I lean back against the doorway, crossing my arms. "Why? Were you looking for me?"

He only grins back at me, mimicking my pose and crossing his arms, leaning back on his doorframe.

"Where were you?" He repeats, the words rough.

"I went for a ride."

"For four hours?"

"I liked the peacefulness."

"Where did you ride to?" His eyes narrow, suspicion high.

"Here and there." I push myself off the wall, stalking closer, stopping only centimetres from his body. "But that's not what you want to know, is it?" I murmur.

Finally the mask on Archer face drops and he narrows his eyes, "Whatever you have planned, keep my team out of it."

I don't reply, watching as he steps back and shuts the door.

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