27 | Eleven

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Who said I was an angel?

Once everyone is in position, we wait.

I crouch down near the edge of the brick building across from the docks, my gun resting lazily in my hand. I stare over the edge from my position and pinpoint where my team said they'd be.

From the top of the building, I can vaguely make out the pink hair blowing in the wind. So slight you'd only see it if you were looking.

The figure is hidden in the shadows near two big metal crates. Her stature leaning lazily against the rusty metal. Catching my eyes, Cleo wiggles her fingers at me, a smirk gracing the girls otherwise angelic face.

I shake my head at her, a smile on my face before I change my position slightly and glance around for the others.

Liam and Clay are hidden within the building opposite me. I can faintly make out their outlines as they peak through the window.

Liam's face pops in view seconds later before a force pulls him back and I know it was Clay.

He pops back, waving at me and I wave back, chuckling low under my breath.

The silence of the night calms me, the swishing of the waves a balm to any nerves.

My gaze goes to the water, the view of the slowly dwindling sunset basking over the tense silence as we wait for movement. 

The sound of footsteps behind me jolts me from my thinking and I spin around. Gun aimed at the person standing in front of me. Hands in pockets and hazel hues gaze on me. His chin drops and a smirk graces his features.

"What are you doing here?" I relax slightly. Letting the gun drop back into my lap but still aiming it at him.

Archer only stares at the gun, brow raised.

"Put it down."

Grumbling under my breath I let my wrist relax, the gun pointing away from him. I turn back around to check the dock.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat my earlier question. "You're supposed to be on top of the other building." I lock my gaze on the building Liam and Clay are in.

"Couldn't get to the other roof." He answers as his strides move closer to me and he takes a crouch next to me, his shoulder almost brushing my own.

"You never learnt how to pick a lock?" I taunt sarcastically, eyeing him from the side with a grin on my face.

"I know. I just couldn't be bothered."

I chuckle, eyes straying to the ground below and finding the bobbing boats on the pier. "We forgot about the boats.

Archer stands, peaking over the side of the building. "I'll go."

"No, you already have a plan with Clay and Liam, I'll check them out and report back."

I can feel him watching me walk away, "Be careful."

I spin to him with a grin, "Careful is my middle name."

He chuckles shaking his head, "Just waiting for you to give me your first."

"You have to earn it first." I laugh, pulling the door open behind me and walking down the stairs. I can hear his steps as he stalks to the door, holding it open and staring down at me.

"Name your price Elle, and I'll pay it."

I glance back at him from the corner of my eyes, heart skipping before I force my mind away, reminding myself he's just a means to an end.  

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