06 | Archer

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Rule number six; Fuck what they think

The door opposite the team opens, and I lift my head, eyes narrowing on the woman who exits.

Her dark daring eyes settle on me and I let my lips lift at the corners before dipping my chin at her, watching as she turns her back on us and walks the other way, flicking a stiletto blade between her fingers.

The door shuts with a deafening click behind her.

"I thought you took all her weapons?" Cleo questions, her gaze pinned on the woman.

"So did I." I shake my head, still watching the woman stalk the other way, the sway of her hips grabbing my attention before I force them to the door, the having off the wall and walking towards Directors office, entering with my team behind me.

He sits behind his desk, arms folded as he waits for us to get situated. Like always, Liam and Cleo take the seats and Clay and I stand.

"Thank you for retrieving her." He states, looking each of us in the eyes.

He uses the pen in his hand to point at a file on the desk, silently telling me to grab it.

I do, flipping it open and scanning the information.

"Our next mission?"

"Yes." Director mutters, "Five of our Agents have gone missing in the past two months. The last just two nights ago, and he's one of my best. I need him found, alive."

I scan the names of the Agents, cataloguing their information to memory.

Rachel McCall.

Lilly Hackett.

Jamie Killorn

I look to the most recent name on the list.

Sebastian Smith.

I flip the file closed and hand it off to Clay to look through.

"That is not all."

"What else?"

"I'm assigning Agent Eleven to your team. I want to keep her close. She's a flight risk and-" He cuts himself off, clearing his throat, "It works out."

A scoff leaves my lips. "That is why you had us retrieve her." I say, staring him down.

He lets the silence linger, "That's not the only reason." This time he looks to Clay, "You're the only team I can trust right now, Agents are going missing. Some have been found." He says lowly as he takes a seat once more, hands resting on the desk. "And I need you to keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't run again."

Clay nods once; but remains silent, not answering his father's unspoken demand.

Director looks away from Clay, hesitating before he says what's on his mind, "And your fifth position needs to be filled, with Scarlett-"

"Of course." I cut him off, refraining from looking at my teammates.

"I let it go for a while but with the way Agents are going missing, I can't let a team be unfilled." He continues, before looking back to Clay and then the rest of us. "And you can keep an eye on her for me."

"You don't trust her." Liam murmurs.

"With good reason." Director says but doesn't elaborate.

I narrow my eyes but remain silent.

"Agent Eleven has already been made aware of the situation. She will be moved in to your spare bedroom this afternoon."

"You're fucking kidding me." I hiss.

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