35 | Eleven

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The best thing you could do is master the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire. You are the fire. - Mama Indigo

The room is unnaturally silent, the feel of my body swaying the only thing I can grasp at. The skin around my eyes is tender and I know a bruise has already formed.

My eyes blink open, and I bring a hand up to rub at them but nothing changes, pitch blackness staring back at me.

I move my sluggish body, pushing myself to a seated position.

"Archer?" I whisper, mouth dry.

'You're awake."

I turn my head to look around the room we're in, but can't see him with the darkness.

"Where are you?"

"Opposite you."

I turn my head forward, narrowing my eyes opposite me but still can't make out anything.

"How can you see me?"

"After a while it's easier to see, my eyes adjusted." He replies, before the sound of his body moving reaches my ears.

I listen to the noise creep closer before I feel his hand on my leg, notifying me where he is.

His touch disappears quickly, followed only by silence.

I breathe out, leaning back against the wall behind me. "Have you seen anyone?"

"No, haven't heard anyone but you either."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

He doesn't reply, and I move my head to stare at where I think he is.


"Don't." His voice is rough, the sound echoing off the walls.

I ignore him, "I didn't want to hurt you-"

"We have bigger issues to worry about than my feelings right now."


"Eleven. Just stop."

I swallow the words I wanted to say, letting the quiet linger.

I rest back against the wall, staring at where he sits, my eyes finally adjusting.

"Holland." I whisper to the darkness, staring at him.

Archer head flicks to mine and I hold his gaze. "What?"

"My name is Holland."

He swallows, squeezing his eyes shut, "Can we not talk about this right now?"

My throat constricts with pain, but I nod. "Okay."

• • •

It had been hours since I'd woken, no one coming to the door and leaving Archer and I to dwell in the silence.

I couldn't sleep, coldness slithering up my spine and taking root in my blood, shivers wracking my body. Archer was propped up against the opposite wall, eyes closed and chest rising and falling with his breaths.

My eyes blink, sleep trying to claim me but anther shiver wracks me, keeping me awake.

Archer rustles from across the other side of the room as he rolls over.

I open my mouth before closing it again, lying flat on the ground and pressing my back against the wall, curling in on myself.

"Sarge- Holland?" Archer's voice whispers through the darkness. I open my eyes, looking towards where he lay.

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