24 | Eleven

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It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply.

I roll the piece of glass between my fingers, thumb smoothing across the logo design, over and over again.

I stop, tilting my head, wet hair resting on my shoulder, and twist the glass a certain way, narrowing my eyes as a memory unlocks. 

The silence is overwhelming. The ropes wound around my waist tightening with my descent.

I look back up, the darkness of the empty elevator shaft shadowing my view.

My gloved hands tighten on the thick rope as I climb down. Bruises stain my skin, my lips split from the fight twenty minutes earlier. My eyes flutter as a stinging pain erupts behind them.

I quicken my pace, reaching up a shaking hand to press the comm further into my ear.

It was useless, the thing had stopped working when a fist slammed into my ear.

Breathing out a shaky breath, I wipe the blood dripping from my nose, wincing at the radiating pain. My ears pound, muscles straining as I hold my weight up. Exhaustion pulls at my bones with shadowed fingers, reaching up from the darkness below.

Growing frustrated I rip the comm from my ear and let it drop from my fingertips. Listening intently for the crack of it hitting the ground.

Silence ensues before a loud groan echoes in the small area.

My dark eyes widen, and I snap my head up, grunting at the sparks I can see further up.

Guess the elevator shaft wasn't so empty after all. I hurry to unwind the rope from my waist, making it easy for me to get out of when the time came.

I let my body fall, hands clutching desperately to the rope.

I drop two metres, eyes catching a faint light and I tighten my grip.

I look up and use the weight of my body to swing the rope to the walls of the elevator shaft.

The elevator above starts its descent. Sparks flying as the mechanisms stop working, nothing to stop the elevator from crashing to the ground and it's dropping quickly.

The rope swings wildly from the impact, my shoulder slamming into the closed doors.

I quickly find footing on the small ledge, sneaking my fingers into the crack between the doors. Prying them apart.

The loud whining noises are overwhelming, the screech of metal-on-metal grating on my senses.

The fabric of my gloves tears as I claw desperately at the doors, willing them to open.

I make the mistake of looking up, catching the quickly descending elevator.

I close my eyes, breathing out before opening them again. Carefully placing my fingers between the small gap.

The doors groan as they separate, using the rest of my strength, I pull them apart enough for me to fit through.

I squeeze myself through the gap. Seconds later the elevator comes screeching down the walls.

I breath out a rushed breath, falling to my knees as my head pounds.

"That was a personal best." Her voice pierces the thumping silence and I open my eyes to glare at her.

Lilac smiles at my unimpressed face.

"What are you doing here?" I wince, holding my head.

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