51 | The Untold Story of the Girl Behind the Barrel

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Sociopath by Olivia O'Brien.

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No birds sing, the halls silent as the sound of the gunshots hits the air, slicing through the tension.

Blood blooms, surrounding the girls head like a halo as scarlet blush brushes her cheeks. Cold blue eyes staring unseeing at the roof.

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The girl walks down the hall with a simple smile, her steps light as she stalks the halls of The Division, blonde hair pulled up into a high ponytail. She pulls the gloves off her fingers one by one. Stuffing them in her pocket, fingers shaking before she fists her hands and takes a deep breath in.

She makes her way to the Director's office, another completed mission under her teams' belt, yet the only feeling that settles in the girl's stomach is dread.

To the Agency it was successful mission, to her, it was another person's blood on her hands.

She could almost feel the sticky substance under her nails, sinking into the crevices of her knuckles. No matter how many times she washes her hands she can't get it off.

She was stained.

When she reaches the man's door, she falters in her steps. Eyebrows furrowing as she hears his calculative voice.

Ignoring the dread in her stomach, she knocks before opening the door and walking inside, withering beneath the cold dark eyes that stare back at her. The eyes of a murderer.

"Another excellent execution, Scarlett." The man purrs, smiling.

Scarlett's eyes shutter and the man's smile drops. He tilts his head at her, analysing her before gesturing for her to shut the door with a flick of his wrist.

The door shuts with a silent click, nobody seeing what goes on behind the closed doors.

When the girl leaves, her eyes are clouded, no feeling depicted in the deep blue depths. Waves of dread washing away from her bloodstream. The feel of the needle disappearing like her thoughts.

The girl stumbles, catching herself on the wall as her lungs burn like volcanic lava.

She blinks, staring at the white walls across from her with confusion. Wandering how she got her and bring a hand to her chest, rubbing her throat as burning agony pierces it.

She moves to leave when the Director's voice pierces through the wood. The girl's heart dropping, pain blurring.

"Subject #002365 has been contaminated, start the process of elimination."

"Are you sure, Sir?" Comes a feminine voice, crackling over a phone speaker.

"I'm sure, Dr. Jefferson. Have Scarlett sent on another mission." There is a long pause before the voice of the Director darkens. "This one she doesn't come back from."

White noise explodes around Scarlett, blocking everything from entering her senses.

The girls' eyes travel down to the needle-sized scars on her inner elbow. Flexing a fist, she tries desperately to remember what happened only moments ago. Her arm shakes and she clutches it to her chest, heart beating erratically.

Her mind is in fractures, mirror-like fragments only depicting one thing.


Her teeth rattle against one another, oxygen burning her throat as she sucks a harsh breath in.

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