Byakugan Battle!

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Question: If Y/n was a character on the show. Who would voice act him?

Third Person POV:

Naruto tries the healing ointment that Hinata gave him. In an instant the scratch that Kiba gave him started to fade away. "This medicine really works well!" Naruto closed the lid as he went to Y/n. "I'm gonna see if he need it!" Naruto thought as he thought or dream about something.

"Here Y/n try this. I don't want you to have those injuries." Naruto smiled. Y/n blushed as he gave Naruto a hug. "Naruto! That's so kind of you!" Y/n smiled. "It's nothing-" Naruto was cut off by blushing. Y/n was kissed Naruto on the cheek. Naruto smiled as he laugh a little.

Naruto smirked as he went over to Y/n, Haku, and Zabuza. 'Only your wounds heal with such speed, Naruto. The power of Nine Tail never cease to amaze me.' Kakashi thought. He notice Naruto's smile and see that he was heading towards Y/n. '...Wait a damn minute?'

Y/n turn as he see Naruto coming, "Ara?" Haku and Zabuza turned as they see Naruto coming. "Congrats on your win Naruto." Haku said. Naruto laugh as he scratch the back of his head. "Thank Haku." Naruto said. He turn to Y/n as he brought the healing ointment. Naruto step closer, "Here Y/n. I want you-"

Y/n took a step back. "What is it Naruto?" Y/n ask. "Oh well I wanted to see if you-" Naruto tries to step closer again but Y/n started to take a step back again. "Hey is something wrong Y/n?" Naruto wonder why Y/n was backing away.

"Six feet." Y/n answered. "Huh?" Naruto questioned. "Please um, six feet're fart smells bad." Y/n fully answered. Haku and Zabuza caught the scent as Zabuza felt like he's gonna gage from it and Haku looks like he was gonna cry as he try to pretend he smell nothing.

"AAAAAHH!" Naruto yelled as he quickly put his head down. The gloom started to get to him as he slowly walked back to Kakashi.

Meanwhile the medical ninjas was taking Kiba and Akamaru. Both was injured badly from the fight and seeing the pill taking a toll on Kiba's body. "U-Um...Kiba." They stop as Kiba lifted his head a little as he see Hinata. He was holding a container as he look at him. "T-This is...healing ointment for your wound, for you and Akamaru." Hinata explained.

Kiba chuckled, "Rather than worrying about others, it's about time you worried about yourself!" Kiba instructed. "What do mean?" Hinata ask. "Only six people left. You, Choji, Neji, Lee, one Sound guy, and the Sand guy." Kiba's face then change to being serious. "Listen, Hinata..." Hinata caught the look as he was taken back a little. "If you pull that guy from Sand, withdraw quickly. And there's one more. Do the same with Neji, too. Withdraw quickly. That guy will be hard on you." Hinata's eyes widen as he heard Neji.

"Well, let's announce the next match."

Everyone look up as they were waiting for who would be the next match. Everyone was nervous as they realize half of the people here has already fought and was moving on. After this will be the real part of the exam. The screen light up as it made Y/n's eyes widen as he bit his lip.

Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga

Hinata's eyes widen as his lips quivered. Kiba clenched his teeth hard as he glare at the screen. "Damn it." Kiba muttered. 'Hinata...' Kurenai thought. Guy stared at the screen as he see that his other student is next. Neji stared at the screen as he make his way down.

Both made the area as they stared at each other. "I never thought that I would have a fight with you, Hinata." Neji stated. "Brother Neji..." Hinata said. "Huh?! Those two are siblings?" Naruto ask. "No, they're not. Not the way you think Naruto." Y/n answered. His hands was on the bar as he was gripping them hard. "Y/n is right. Both of them are descended from the Hyuga clan. One of the most honorable old families in the Hidden Leaf." Kakashi went on to Y/n's answered. "Then how are they related then?" Naruto ask.

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