Village in Distress

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If you can be in any clan, which clan will you go to?

No One POV:


Sakura yelp as she ducks down from the enemy. Anko quickly took out the ninja as Sakura couldn't believe what she heard. "Anko is right Sakura." Kakashi came in as he was fighting the ninjas. "At this moment, this will be an A-rank mission." Sakura turn to Kakashi as she couldn't process why have a mission now.

"But Sensei, what are you doing? With this battle going on, why send us off on some mission?" Kakashi quickly turns towards her. "Sasuke's chasing Gaara and the other Sand ninja." Sakura's head rose as her eyes widened, "What?"

"Sakura, release the genjutsu, wake Naruto, Shikamaru, and Haku. Find Y/n and follow Sasuke." Kakashi order. "Find Y/n? But he's on the" Sakura turn but she now notices that Y/n wasn't on the battleground. 'He's gone! Bu-But how!?' Kakashi was looking at the battleground as he was recalling the weird chakra he felt. Seeing a weird arm going after Y/n, made him panic a little.

"Okay, but shouldn't we wake up Ino and Choji and go in a group?" Sakura turn as she could see the two males passed out because of the genjutsu. "No time, I suspect that many Sound and Sand shinobi may have already infiltrated this village. Besides, if you have more members to a squad, it takes longer to get anything done and becomes more difficult to hide from the enemy. You did learn that in Academy patrol training, didn't you?"

"Yes! With little squad members, that means we'll be able to have come with us, right?" Sakura answers with another question. "No, I must not leave this place." Kakashi cuts his thumb a little as it starts to bleed. He then proceeds to do hand signs before placing his hand on a person's back.

"Summoning Jutsu!" 

A small smoke came as it shows a dog with ninja clothing on. "Huh?" Sakura look bewildered by what she's seeing. "Pakkun here will track down Sasuke by scent," Kakashi stated as the small dog rub itself. Sakura however didn't believe what she's witnessing. "Our other member is a puppy?" Pakkun slowly comes towards Sakura, "All right, listen, little girl." Sakura recoil by the dog talking. It was confirmed that it's a male as his voice is deep. "Don't you dare go around saying I'm just some cute puppy?"

'But I didn't even say "cute."' Sakura look bewildered as her eyes twitch. "Sakura, go release the genjutsu. Pakkun, I need you to find Y/n." Kakashi orders as he went to the fight. "Huh? What's a Y/n?" Pakkun tilted his head. "Y/n's our member. He might be over where the contestants were assigned." Sakura point where the waiting room is as Pakkun groans before taking off. Sakura follows as they go do their job.

Release!! Sakura touch Naruto as he started to groan. "Huh?" He opens his eyes as he sees what's happening. "Hey, what's going on, Sakura?" Sakura quickly turns as she pulls Naruto down. The sound of metal woke up Naruto as he sees a kunai. "I'll fill you in later." Sakura turns towards Haku. Release!! Sakura touches Haku as he also begins to wake up. He was going to ask until he sees Naruto making a 'Hush' gesture. Haku nodded as Sakura turn towards Shikamaru, whose eyes twitch.

"...Shikamaru, you were--this whole time?" Pakkun walks towards Shikamaru's leg as he bites it. Shikamaru quickly jolted as he shakes his leg yelling. "You released the genjutsu too, you faker! Why were you pretending to be asleep this whole time?" Sakura demanded as Shikamaru got Pakkun off of him.

"I didn't want to get involved. Just give me a break?" Shikamaru answers as he pinches Pakkun's cheeks. "I couldn't care less about Sasuke." Pakkun then bit Shikamaru's hand. 

"Ah!" Haku and Naruto observed the area as they see the civilians being knocked out. "Oh, but you didn't decide to help Y/n?" It was after Sakura's question as it made the three males anxious. "Wait, Y/n?" They turn to see that Y/n was no longer on the battlefield. "Where--"

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