Shadow in Darkness

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Third Person POV:

"Now, let the tenth round begin."

"Do your best!" Shikamaru cheered. "Remember, all you can eat." Asuma taunted, causing a boost of encouragement. "I'll end this match quickly and turn you into mincemeat!" Choji threatened.

"I'm so confuse, did Choji made a threat?" Y/n tilted his head. "...That was a threat?" Haku question after realizing the meaning of what he just heard.

"Well...let's not play around. I'll finish you off quickly, Mr. Fatso." Dosu taunted. Choji' vein popped as his eyes lite in flames. "You bandaged cucumber roll!" Choji glared.

"Is that boy really calling people food?" Zabuza said, if it weren't for the bandage mask people would see that he is making a disgusted facial expression. "...I guess." Y/n answered as he was getting a little confuse. "I never see Choji this upset...I lied. I see him a couple of times, but I never see him retaliate."

'I know his Achilles heel all too well from my last battle with him. Those holes in his arm emit a pulsing sound, so...' Choji remember the encountered that he and his team ran into doing the time they were in the woods. He see Dosu's gauntlet as it has holes, the same one that was causing problems.

"Ninja Art! Expansion Jutsu!" Choji's body started to expand as he look like a round ball. "Followed by the Hidden Leaf-style Taijutsu!" His arms and legs were tucked in his clothes as his chakra was coming out of his sleeves and shorts. Lastly his head was tucking in a little, "All I have to do is to prevent him from aiming at my ears!"

"Human Boulder Jutsu!"

Choji's body rolled as he then charged at Dosu. 'This guy can attack sonically without even touching the opponent. But that's only when ears are showing! With Choji's whole head buried, it's like he's wearing ear plugs. How does anyone make a sonic attack on a meat ball, let alone one that's rolling?' Shikamaru analyzed.

Choji continue his attack as Dosu was only able to dodge. Dosu was close to the wall as Choji then charged at him. However Dosu dodged as it lead to Choji crashing and getting stuck at the wall. "The way you are you can barely move, can you?" Dosu said.

Choji was struggling as he tries to get out. "That's where I attack!" Dosu use his arm that has the gauntlet with holes, punched Choji in the back. However it didn't made a sound. "It's no use, I'm wearing ear plugs." Choji said with confident.

"No, this is the end!"

Dosu flicked the gauntlet as Choji's body started to shake. "Oh...?!" A high frequency sound came as it cause the wall to break. Shikamaru couldn't believe what he just saw as he believed that Choji wouldn't get effected by it. The dust cleared as it show Choji knocked out.

"The human body is made up of 70% water, and water is able to transmit sound waves. In other words, your whole body is like one big ear." Dosu explained. When he did it trigger a memory to Y/n as he felt the words are coming back to attack him. But it didn't help that it was from Chomei.

"Biology says you are 7% blood. Chemistry says you are 70% water. And physics says you are 99.999% empty space. But I think are 101% STUPID!"

"And the winner is, Kinuta Dosu!"

Dosu walked out as the medical ninjas came to check up on Choji. "Are you all right?" One of them asked. "I-I want to eat meat." Choji answered. "Oh man...And the guy went easy on him, too." Shikamaru complained. "Although he lost, at least we can do for him is take him for some BBQ beef."

The inspector coughed, "It's finally over." He said while coughing. 'At long last, the Final Round.' Lord Third praised in thought. "With this, the preliminaries for the third exam is completed."

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