A Call to Strike

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Question: What type of songs do you think match Y/n?

No One POV:

It was in the threes as three shadows were making pace, while one shadow was catching up. Sasuke had found the Sand siblings as he click his tongue. Trying to keep up and catch them.

Meanwhile, Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, Haku, Y/n, and Pakkun was jumping from tree to tree. Y/n had let Pakkun out earlier as it would be more beneficial if he could track Sasuke's scent without his scent blocking him.

"So that's what happened," Naruto stated as Sakura informed everyone on why they had to get Sasuke. "To think he'll go this far," Haku commented, scuffing his brow. Y/n look down a little, only to look up while smiling a little. "Still, won't you say that he's being irrational? Considering how he might have a three on one situation."

Pakkun was sniffing as he caught something. "This way!" Pakkun turn as the rest followed the pug. "Oh man, this is such a drag," Shikamaru complains. "How long till we catch up?" Naruto asks. "I don't know. A long time if they keep moving at this pace." Pakkun answers.

Y/n scuffs his brows as he looks around a little. Haku notices as he looks at Y/n. "Is something bothering you?" Y/n turns towards Haku as his eyes widen. "Say Haku..." Everyone turn as they hear Y/n's tone was different. "How far can your mirrors go?"

"Hey, guys hurry up!" Pakkun suddenly yell as it caught the squad's attention. "What is it?" Sakura question. "Did you see Sasuke?" Naruto also asks. "No, there are two squads behind us. Eight-no, there's one more." Pakkun informed.

"What?" Naruto's eyes widen. "It must be some of the Sound ninjas." Haku guesses as he frowns. "Aw, man. Come on already. Give me a break here." Shikamaru whines. "We should run on the ground. If they know that we're jumping through trees, then running through the ground might confuse them." Sakura states. "That might work, but I doubt it'll be long till they realize it," Shikamaru commented.

They started to fall as Y/n was holding Pakkun. Once they landed Y/n put Pakkun down, while he sniffs around. "I also have an idea." Everyone turns but sees Haku walking backward. "What are you doing?" Naruto asks. "Oh, I see." Pakkun does the same thing. Haku jumps back to the tree. 

"If we mess with our tracks, then it'll irritate them. When becoming too emotional, they'll lose focus on our trail." Haku explains as the rest understands. They follow their trail as they went back to the trees and take off. Pakkun sniffs as he growls, "This is not good. Be prepared for an ambush."

"What if we ambush them?" Sakura asks. "Huh?" Shikamaru looks at Sakura. "How are we gonna ambush several ninjas, that might be higher level?" Y/n giggles, "Well~, we have someone great at ambush. Hope you are not afraid of getting cold."

"Hmm, what are you implying?" Pakkun question. "It's my ice mirrors. I can create several mirrors out of ice, which can surround a target. By entering one of the mirrors, my reflection will appear in all of them. I can travel between these mirrors near-instantaneously, giving the appearance that I occupy all of them simultaneously. Any attacks I make from these mirrors - usually rapid volleys of thrown senbon - can overwhelm opponents, seemingly coming from every mirror at once." Haku explains that Shikamaru was caught off by that power.

"It might work, but it'll be too risky," Shikamaru concluded. "Wait. Hold on. Why not? If we enter the mirrors, they won't know which one of us is the real one." Sakura started, "Plus the level of an opponent doesn't have much to do with an ambush, does it?" Naruto was also lost. "Wait. What are you talking about?"

"You guys just don't get it. Let me explain." Shikamaru then proceeds to explain. "Yes. An ambush is a key battle tactic and can be very beneficial. But for it to work, you have to meet two conditions."

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