The Heartbreak

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No One POV:

"Well, well, well. Look who came back."

Y/n open his eyes as he sees that he was in a field of flowers. Y/n groans as he soon realizes where he was. 

He's in the mindscape, then which means Chomei knows what happens.

"So, let's see why you're here, shall we. Let's start with you being severely injured. You get hit with poison, kind of like karma with all the poison. Then while being injured and poisoned you rushed in with an attack, causing you to drain your chakra. And now you got knocked the fuck out by a human snake. Am I missing anything else?"

Y/n slowly got up, wincing from the soreness in his body. "Umm...I miss you." Y/n said slowly. 

Silence fills the time as Chomei put his arms on his hips.

"You want to know what I learn from your father Shinobu?"

When Chomei ask Y/n was nervous about it. However, when he brought up that it's something from his father there were some thoughts that he want to know.

"Biology says you are 7% blood. Chemistry says you are 70% water. And physics says you are 99.999% space. But I think are 101% STUPID!"

Y/n's face went blank with small tears in his eyes when hearing it. It does sound like something his father would say.

"Okay in my defense...yeah I got nothing." Y/n face was pink from embarrassment.

"Just...Just tell me what came to the thought of you rushing in with a move that would lead you wide open?"

"The move was the fastest that I know. Besides if even he's immune, it took him a while to get hungover it."

Chomei shakes his head slowly. He flew away as Y/n started to follow him since he doesn't know where else he was supposed to go since he doesn't know how to get out.

They continue to walk as they reach a new land. There was open land and the trees were some purple flower petals.

There was even some water area. Y/n notice something on the water area. 

It looks like something is moving on the reflection. Y/n look at it and see that it was Haku, Naruto, and Sasuke fighting.

"What's this?"

"It's the connection between the mindscape and the outside world."

"But how is this possible? I'm unconscious there."

"The connection with the host and the Tailed Beast as some special connection, along with hidden abilities. You can sense other people's chakra, but I can also sense chakra. Among the other tails, I specialize in the amount of chakra."

"So I can see how they're doing."

Y/n started to mumble a little. Looking around Y/n was a little confused as to what the area is.

He started to notice something in the field, it looked familiar. Walking out and seeing ahead he sees a wood wall. To the side, there's a well.

"Chomei, what is this place? Why does it feel and look familiar?"

Chomei laughed as he started to fly in the center of the field.

"This is a training field at the Butterfly Estate."

"The Butterfly Estate?"

"It's a place that belongs to your Father and your Aunt. It was home to...many people as because your father's medical experience it also become a rehabilitation place."

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