Puppet Master

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No One POV:

"Let me do you a have and end this swiftly!" Kankuro removed the item from his back.

"I won't let you do anything." Misumi charged at Kankuro.

"First move, a surefire victory!"

He swung but Kankuro grabbed his arm. Kankuro was taken by surprise when Misumi's body snaked around his limbs leaving him immobilized.

"Wow! That's amazing! What's with his body?!" Naruto said.

He swung but Kankuro grabbed his arm. Kankuro was taken by surprise when Misumi's body snaked around his limbs leaving him immobilized.

"Wow! That's amazing! What's with his body?!" Naruto said.

Everyone else wanted to know how he was able to do something like that.

"I dislocated every joint, and with chakra, I can control my softened body at will," Misumi said while holding Kankuro.

"Oh wow! I didn't know you can do that with just chakra!" Y/n said excitedly, however, he shivered to realize that if he wants to, he'll have to hurt his body.

"I can also squeeze until your bones break. I'll rapidly tighten as long as you don't give up." Misumi squeezed Kankuro harder.

He looks down at what Kankuro dropped. "I don't know what kind of ninja tool you have, but you can't do anything like this. Hurry up and give up, or I'll kill you!"

Kankuro smiled. "You wanna bet?"

Y/n was caught off by what he just heard. "What is he doing? That guy can kill him." Y/n said looking confused.

Haku, Sakura, and Naruto were thinking of the same thing. "He probably has something on his sleeve?" Naruto guessed.

"Like what? He's caught, he can't even move a little." Sakura said.

"Do you want to die?" Misumi growled as he tightened the grip more.

Kankuro just laughed. "You fool, you're the one who's gonna die here."

Suddenly a snapping noise came and Kankuro's head flopped down. "His neck is broken," Lee said.

Everyone looked pale and shocked. Y/n quickly look and see that Kankuro's team member looked neutral.

It was as if they didn't care what just happened. Something fell as he look down and Y/n's eyes widen.

Kankuro's head spun around and faced Misumi, his face was distorted and made out of wood. "Then it's my turn now."

Wooden arms also sprouted and quickly wrapped tightly around Misumi's body. "T-This is a puppet?!"

The bandages that were laying on the ground came off as they show Kankuro. "He's controlling the puppet with chakra from his hand!" Sakura said.

"So it seems that he's a puppet user," Zabuza said.

"Puppet user?" Y/n was confused.

"What Zabuza means is that he can use a technique that you don't normally see." Turning they look at Kakashi. "Puppet technique is the core skill of a puppeteer's fighting style, whereby they control a puppet. Performing the Puppet Technique involves emitting chakra threads from a user's fingers to connect to a puppet, with the fingers' movements controlling the puppet's actions."

'AMAZING! So he can control that puppet with just his fingers, so cool!' Y/n thought.

"The battle cannot continue, winner Kankuro."

"Two against one is kind of cheating right?" Naruto questioned.

"Naruto it's not two against one. The puppet is like another ninja tool. Take Shino, he uses his bugs like a ninja tool." Y/n explained.

Y/n turns only to see Kankuro looking at him. He blinked confused but he saw Kankuro smirking at him.

Some of them caught it like a shadow of them appear and glare at him.

Y/n had to use the restroom as he told Zabuza and his response was, "Hurry up. Don't be wasting time there." Y/n nodded and started to go to the bathroom.

"All the fights were so cool! Sasuke was able to get up while almost losing all of his chakras. Shino uses a similar technique to me! Now Kankuro can master puppets, amazing!" Y/n said as he was rubbing water on his face.

"Wow, I didn't know that my move can impress someone."

Y/n stopped as he turn to see Kankuro smiling at him, "Hey there."

Y/n blush as he realize that Kankuro was here, then he-he heard him! "Ka-Kankuro! W-When?! How long have you been standing here?!"

"Haha, I heard before you since I heard what you said." Kankuro laughed. Y/n blush more, "You heard!" 

He was to leave until he got caught with Kankuro's arms trapping him to the bathroom wall.

"Now, now no need to be in a hurry." Kankuro has a close-eye smile. "I just wanna say thank you."

Y/n was shaking a little, 'HE'S SO CLOSE! AH!'

"O-Oh I uh. Y-You're welcome! We-We should uhh-head back." Y/n said stuttering. 

"Oh~" Kankuro complained. "I guess your right." He suddenly got closer, "I'll be cheering for you." Kankuro left the bathroom.

Steam started to come out of Y/n's ears as his head was knocked back.

"Where is he?!" Naruto almost yelled. "We don't know if the next match will start and Y/n still hasn't come back yet!"

"Naruto calm down!" Sakura hit Naruto's head.

"Sakura is right Naruto, I'm sure Y/n would come in time," Kakashi said. They hear walking noises as they turn and see Y/n. "See as I said."

"Y/n!" Naruto came running to Y/n. "Where were you?! You said that it would be quick but then-"

He caught that something was wrong. Y/n's face was a little red. "Hey what happened?" Naruto questioned.

Some of them turn and see Y/n's face blushing a little red. They were confused until they see Kankuro now coming back.

They look at him as Y/n turn to see Kankuro waving at him. Y/n blush as they connected the dots.

All of their faces look shocked as Hinata, Kiba, and Shino's sensei was smiling and chuckle, "Well this is something."

Zabuza and Kakashi look pissed, if looks could kill someone then everyone including them would be dead.

Gaara and Temari also looked a little upset, well just Temari. Gaara however...moving on.

Hayate coughed as everyone turned to the screen. "Now then, let's continue. It's time to begin the fourth battle."

The screen lighted up as the names were drawn for who would fight next. "Well, no matter who's being picked. It would be two weirdos, this contest full of them." Naruto said.

"Well, you're the one to talk," Kakashi said.

"Yeah, you go a point," Sakura said.

"Hey give me a break!" Naruto complained.

Sakura laughed but she was stopped by Kakashi. "This isn't the time to be laughing."

Sakura was confused until her eyes widen on the screen.

Sakura Haruno vs Y/n Kanroji Kocho

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