The God and The Angel: Unforgettable Night!!

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No One POV:

Tengen, his girls, and Y/n went outside as it was still a festive night. Multiple kids running around and music was playing.

"I'm excited!" Suma squealed as she looked at Y/n. "Do you mind staying with us for some time?"

"You idiot!" Makio yelled smacking Suma's arm, "Did you forget how he was brought to us? His friends must be worried about finding him!!"

Suma squealed at the contact as the two of them argued. But what Makio said rings in Y/n's head. Jiraiya said he'll watch over Y/n and even though he ultimately failed at doing so, he can't be the type to just abandon someone, right?

"Come on you two!" Tengen hugs the two of them, "This is unflashy time to ruin this event!!"

Hinatsuru giggles, "Tengen is right. If his friends aren't here, then we can have him stay until further notice. But let's just enjoy the night." She turns to Y/n and notices his dazing state, "Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Hm?" Y/n snapped out of his thoughts and smiled, "Oh I'm fine. Just wondering about a few things, hehe."

"Let's go!!" Tengen yells as he picks up Y/n and goes off to where the performance should take place. Y/n gasped a little from the action and blushed from Tengen holding him.

The music started playing as it was one that Y/n remembers. Back at the Leaf, the music was playing like this, and the dancer...

Y/n put his hands up and did a pose, just like the dancer. The lights were flickering as they showed bits of Y/n before the main music came in and the lights were now focused on him.

As the main beat plays Y/n slides his hands down almost feeling his body to his stomach, then slides his arms, and turns his head around before looking at the crowd. He starts dancing as he can almost imagine himself as the dancer. Each beat turns, he moves his hips a bit, the drums beating slow, he will move a little slow.

Soon the beat changed as Y/n felt a big body close behind him. He felt one of their hands being grabbed and held up as he spun around to see Tengen.

Tegen put Y/n's hand on his chest as Y/n could almost squeeze them, fingers twitching at the thought of feeling them a bit. Tegen must have noticed as he smirked before moving them at the line and making them squeeze his hand.

Y/n almost blush but he can't when people will notice why. He quickly calmed down and continued the dance.

The two men started to dance together some moments happened when Tengen pulled Y/n closer and had both chests press each other and dance. He was placing his finger underneath Y/n's chin, forcing them to look up, "I have to say, this could be a great time to take those lips."

Tengen dips Y/n, "But I'm not going to unless I have your consent."

He pulled them back as Y/n was a little confused, "This feels...odd." Y/n confesses, "You have three partners and you're doing this, to me, and not them."

Tengen laughs, "I can understand where you're going, but do not feel bad!" Tengen lifts Y/n up to where they can be face-to-face, "They don't mind me doing this, especially when they were practically praising you. If any, I, myself, was starting to get jealous."

Y/n blinks, Tengen was getting jealous of him?!

"We're doing a good job then- I'm sorry he's hot!!"

Chomei commented as Y/n almost wanted to laugh at hearing Chomei in their current state of mind. Tengen thought Y/n was laughing about him as he laughed as well, "I know right? Super unflashy to ever think like that!"

Tengen let go but turned Y/n around as their back was facing him. "But now I don't have to know I get the first view of you."

"...Can we just marry him?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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