The Evil Hand Revealed

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Question: Who should take Y/n's first kiss 😏

No One POV:

It was the next day as both Temari and Kankuro was resting. However their time of resting came to an end when a harsh knocking came. The knocking continued as both of them was confuse by the knocking.

"Open up, now!"

It was their sensei Baki. "Huh?" Temari question as he open the door. "So what's up? What's all the ruckus?" Kankuro ask.

"You idiots." Baki said angrily. "Didn't I tell you to not let him out of your sight for a second?" Baki questioned.

"Huh?" Temari and Kankuro said as the same time. They rush to the room where Gaara was supposed to be resting in. However when they open the door, they where greeted with an empty room. Fear was getting to their faces, "Oh. Oh, no." Temari quivered. "Gaara's gone." He stated as Kankuro was scared to. "Yeah, but where?"

Their sensei Baki came inside of the room. Walking straight all of them notice that the window was open. Giving them the clue as of how Gaara was able to sneak out of the area.

"This is bad. Very bad."

Scene Change Jutsu:

The area was now at the Hidden Leaf's medical hospital. There Shikamaru was playing a game as he look to the side of where Naruto was sleeping on the bed.

"Man. Is he ever gonna wake up? Maybe the kid croaked." Shikamaru complain as Naruto was still knocked out cold in the bed. It was a small silent before Shikamaru sigh.

However outside in the hallway was something or rather someone dark. Small but echoing footsteps was in the hallway. They were groaning as a shadow of the person was shaking.

"Huh?" Shikamaru something strange about the sand time. "The sand stopped. What's up with that?" He questioned himself as he was looking for answers, "Did they forget to wind it or something?"

"Ugh. What a drag."

Naruto now gain conscious as he grunted while trying to wake up. His vision was getting better as he notice that he was in an unknown area. "Huh?" He look to the side to see Shikamaru smiling at him. "So you decided to wake up, huh?"

"Where am I?" Naruto ask. "What is this?" He was looking around to be more aware of his surroundings. "The hospital. They said you've been out cold like this for three days straight." Shikamaru answered. "Three days?" Naruto repeated.

"Three days straight?" Naruto yelled angrily. He quickly stood up as Shikamaru was caught off. "Uh, yeah. More or less." Shikamaru said slowly. "Shikamaru, when's the final competition begin?" Naruto question. "Uh...tomorrow."

"What?!" Naruto yelled as he grabs Shikamaru's shirt. Naruto growls as he look at him, "Are you crazy? Why the heck didn't you wake me up sooner? I can't be lying around here at a time like this. I've got to be getting ready. And Pervy Sage. Where's Pervy Sage? That old coot's supposed to be supervising my training!"

"Hey, calm down, kid. Get a grip." Shikamaru said as of finally being able to speak. "I don't know what you're talking about." He explained as Naruto let go of him. "Where are my clothes? I've got to get dressed!" Naruto yell. "Where'd they put them? Where are my clothes? Oh, come on, where are they? Oh, man."

A vein was popping out of Shikamaru's head as he closed his eyes. "This kid gives me such a headache. I liked him better when he was in a coma." He could still hear Naruto's ranting as he started to loose it. "Would you knock it off!"

Naruto stop as Shikamaru was now begging to calm down. "Now, listen." He instructed calmly. "You don't wanna be freaking out the day before a big competition. Resting can be the best thing."

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