What happened?

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No One POV:


Everyone couldn't believe it. They thought Haku was going to take the blow, but they suddenly see a butterfly outfit as everyone couldn't believe it.

"Why?" Haku whisper as his eyes widen. "WHY DID YOU SAVE ME!?" Haku sobbed as Y/n was going to fall but Haku caught him.

"Ara ara, that's a dumb question..." Y/n said he smiled a bit. "You have a chance to be free. You're no longer a weapon, what would you even become if the weapon and the master die?"

"What...are you saying?" Zabuza asks as he as his glare was no confusion.

"Gato...he planes on killing all of us. He...He's using you two...he has other rouges wanting to kill you and Haku." Y/n said as he coughed some blood. 

He felt...tired.

"No, stay awake Y/n! That's an order!" Kakashi growled as tried to hold on to the wound. 

He sees Y/n's eyes as he realizes the jutsu on his eyes coming off as he closes it shut from the strain on them.

"Haku, you're not a weapon. You show kindness as even when blinking of death, you wish to have love. Zabuza even knows that you couldn't become him but yet he still cared for you because he does...care for you." Y/n whisper.

"Y-Y/n" Haku stuttered as he drops to the ground. 

He felt a hand on the shoulder as he quickly turns and see Zabuza shaking a bit. In all of his time, he never felt like this. All his life he felt blood lust and people betraying others as his comrades would die in front of him.

"Haku...I failed you." Zabuza said, "You're no longer my tool." 

Haku felt a pain in his heart as he never felt so lost when he said those words.

Y/n started to blink as he was blurry. 'What's happening? My eyes were fine now?'

"No! Damnit!" Kakashi yelled as he felt pain like it was coming back. His lost teammate, it was happening again.


Scene Change Jutsu:

'What the? My eyes hurt.' Y/n blink a few times as he was greeted by a bright sun.

The sky was clear as there were some clouds, but it was light and small. In a way he feels calm, he might do some cloud watching now and then. 

Y/n see a butterfly flying to me as it was blue and glowing from the sun. It hits his nose as he scruffs it a bit before it takes off, sitting up as he notices that he's by himself in an open field of flowers. 

'I don't see Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna, or anyone. Where am I?'

Y/n stands up but grunts as he takes a knee, feeling like he got stabbed. He slowly got himself up as he takes a look around to see more of the area. The place was really beautiful as he was amazed by the look of it.

He notices that there was this weird color butterfly, the way how it looks it was blue. The scales were falling off as it was shining bright, 'Call me crazy but this one look familiar.'

Yes, he knows what he just said, a butterfly out of millions of them that look the same or feel as if he knows them. 

Y/n see it as it landed on his nose before flying off. For some reason, it felt like a call, and he decided to follow it.

He passes many trees as he was now seeing a view. The area was a small town, it was not the leaf village as there weren't any of the Hokage's faces.

Plus, he doesn't see the big gate, it still amazes me as the place is called the hidden leaf when people can see a huge red gate.

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