A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!

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No One POV:

"Well then, Guy. I'll leave Sasuke to you."

Guy decides to take Sasuke back to Konoha while the others, Naruto, Jiraiya, Gyomei, and Y/n head off to find Tsunade. Zabuza is going with Guy now that it's confirmed with him and Kisame, he needs to train Haku for any future encounter with the shark.

"I'm going to miss you!" Y/n cries as he hugs Zabuza. "Oi! Don't act like a baby!" Zabuza tries to push Y/n off.

"Will I ever see you two again?" Y/n gives Zabuza puppy eyes.

"...Tch!" Zabuza looks away as it made Y/n's eyes sparkle. 'Yes!'

"Please..." Guy spoke as Jiraiya looks at him, "Be sure to find Mistress Tsunade and bring her back to..."

"You bet we'll find her and bring her right away!" Naruto promise. Jiraiya laughs as he pats Naruto's head.

Guy looks at the scene looking at Zabuza, Y/n, and Gyomei, who smiled in the assurance that they'll return with Lady Tsunade with them. "Naruto! Y/n! I like kids with guts! I'm going to give this to you!"

The two of them were curious to see what Guy was bringing to them. "This made Lee stronger..."

"Huh?! What?! What?!" Naruto questions as he was excited.

 "This is it!" Naruto and Y/n froze as they looked at the gift. Jiraiya and Gyomei as well froze at the present.

It's the green attire that Guy and Lee wear daily.

"Wow!" Naruto's eyes sparkle as Y/n was looking at it with curiosity, 'I wonder how I'll look in them?'

"They're breathable and moisture-wicking, and perfectly designed for free movement, all in a beautiful, stylish package." Guy explains the material, "You'll notice a difference immediately if you train with them on! They're going to grow on you! Before long, you'll be wanting to wear them all the time like Lee! Of course, I have a thing for them too!"

"Woooow!" Naruto's eyes light up in flames, both of them smiling with their teeth sparkling. Y/n was in his thoughts as he tries to imagine himself with Naruto, Lee, and Guy wearing the outfit.

Their sensei, however...They weren't in the same boat.

'There's no way in cold hell that he's going to wear that.' Zabuza thought to himself.

'As long as my child is happy, I'll be at peace.' Gyomei cries at the thought.

'Why couldn't you bring a mirror or something instead of carrying around those things, you dork!' Jiraiya still hasn't forgiven the incident with Guy.

They wave at each other as Naruto looks at Y/n, "Do you think they'll look good on me?"

"Hmm, I don't know." Y/n answers as he thinks about it, "I never really seen you in a green outfit."

"I'll answer, no." Jiraiya steps in, "Get a load of that..."

They look at Guy as he was walking off while carrying Sasuke, "Now that is truly dorky."

Scene Change Jutsu

Two young ladies and a pig stood near the entrance of a town.

A fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face, and the rest reaches her lower back, while tied in two loose ponytails. A violet diamond shape - is visible on her forehead. 

She wears a grass-green haori with the kanji for "gamble" (賭, kake) on the back, inside a red circle. Underneath she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She wears open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels. She has red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails and uses soft pink lipstick.

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