Dancing Blood Lust

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No One POV:

"The winner is Temari."

Temari was so confused as to what he was witnessing. Shikamaru's shadow was returning as he was gaining back his control. "What the--?" Temari can only say.

"Uh, man, I'm beat," Shikamaru complain. "Ugh, what a waste!" Ino's eyes twitch. "Why? What is he thinking? Doesn't he want to be a Chunin?" Ino asks. "What can you say? It's Shikamaru." Choji chuckle.

"I wonder, do you think he has the motivation for this?" Kurenai can only ask. "I've wondered that same thing myself so many times," Asuma answered. 'Even so, his tactic and ingenuity are far beyond those of your typical Genin. If that had been a real mission and he'd been leading a squad, they would have succeeded. The battle was won the moment he caught Temari in that shadow possession. I guess you could say he won the battle but lost the match.' Kurenai thought.

'That boy's lack of drive can sure be frustrating. Still, there's something to be said for not having a killer instinct. It means he never lets his emotions cloud his judgment. He never panics. He's able to calmly assess his tactical situation and determine the wisest course of action. He even has the wisdom to retreat if his position is untenable. He has something a lot of the others lack, clarity. That's a vital trait in a Chunin and a leader.'

"He may not be as motivated as some of the others, but, you know, it's not such a bad thing for a squad leader to trust his head more than his gut. He'll get in a lot less trouble that way." One shinobi complimented.

"You said it. A squad with a hotshot for a leader is a squad that's not going to survive very long. Some of these kids don't understand there's not much point in completing a mission if your whole team gets wiped out. That's not what being a Chunin is about." The other shinobi agreed.

"If you're scoring them on that, Naruto and Neji failed the test. Not that they don't have a talent for a Genin. Still, I can't help feeling Shikamaru gave up too soon. What do you think?" The shinobi ask.

"Well, one thing I'm sure of, he's got a lot better chance than that Naruto kid." The other shinobi answered.

Naruto was grunting as he was getting mad. "What the heck was that? Forfeiting the match when he had it won! Geez!" Naruto yell. "Man, that ticks me off. That lazy son of a--" Naruto had enough as he jumps out to the arena. "I'm going to give a piece of my mind."

"And to think that lazy kid's going to be a Chunin." The other Chunin said. "Hey, I want to talk to you, you idiot!" Naruto walks to Shikamaru. "Eh, who are you calling an idiot, idiot?" Shikamaru ask as he was stretching.

"Why'd you give up? Are you that lazy? Or are you just a big chicken?" Naruto asks. "Hey. It's over. Let's just forget it, okay?" Shikamaru suggested.

"Are you kidding? No! It's not okay. You had that match won--"

"Wound you skip it?" Shikamaru interrupt Naruto. "Are you forgetting? There's another match." Shikamaru reminded. "Another match?" Naruto asks. It clicked to Naruto as he smiles.

"Huh. At last! This is the one I've been waiting for. That Y/n kid is next!" One of the audience cheers. "Yeah, but who's this Gaara guy he's up against?" The other audience asks. "Don't know. He's a mystery. But from what I hear, he doesn't stand a chance at this Y/n kid." The guy laughs.

"Don't get too excited. We don't know what he's about, as far as we know, it might be a rumor. Plus, he isn't here." The second audience said. "What! No way! You're telling me I came all this way and missed two days of work for nothing?" The guy complained.

"Well, it seems fairly clear this Y/n is bound to win." Another guy stated. "I wouldn't be so sure. I like the look of this stranger from the Sand village. I'm putting my money on the mystery man." The second guy declared. The first guy laughs, "That's the thing about this level of competition, the only thing you know for sure is that you never know what will happen."

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