The Third Test

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Obanai: It's hard to keep my cool. One of the bitches tryna get with my girl.

No One POV:

Haku helped Y/n go downstairs to where the arena is. The others are gathered, waiting for someone to explain the next challenge.

Y/n would almost wince a little from the steps he was taking. His body was sore, even with most of the injuries being healed his body muscle isn't with his breath style.

Haku couldn't take his eyes from Y/n. Looking at the neck he was relieved that the mark was gone.

But his feelings haven't changed. 

He still has anger rising in his body, wanting to revenge on Y/n. With Y/n standing, it showed that he's a survivor since he was poisoned for a long period.

He still couldn't understand why Orochimaru went after Y/n. Let alone wanting to eliminate Y/n.

With Y/n being capable of mastering poison, his strength, his speed. He would be a good candidate to have him join. Though now it's a miracle, given what happened to him.

Y/n turns to see the rest of the teammates, gathering in a corner. Sakura was crying on Naruto's shoulder while he was rubbing her back.

Y/n looked sadly while having a soft smile. He notices something, on Sasuke's face.

His hair was covering his face, tilting so that no one can see his expression.

His heartfelt a little cold. He didn't want any of them to worry. He turn to Haku and he nodded, he turn back as he brought his hand up and smiled brightly.

"Moshi Moshi!" Y/n called, catching their attention.

Sakura was the first to turn as she gasp, tears were rolling down her face. Even more, as she saw Y/n, a little bruised, but alive.

She broke from Naruto as she come toward them. She ran and hug Y/n while crying.

"Y/N! You're alive!" She sobbed.

Y/n smiled while rubbing the back of her shoulder. "Aw, come on Sakura. You look ugly crying like that." He giggled, pushing Sakura. Using his sleeved wiping her tears

Sakura laughed as she let go. Y/n didn't have time to react as something rammed into him. Wrapping around him tightly.

"N-Naruto!" His face blushed to see Naruto's face on his chest. "I-I'm okay! P-Please, let go!"

"I-I...I was scared." Naruto suddenly said making Y/n freeze. "Back then when you fall. I thought I lost you."

"Oh, that snake huh? He caught me off guard, but..." Y/n's hair was covering his face. 

Naruto looks up and sees Y/n smiling at him. "All the more reason to get back at him!"

It took a while but Naruto realize that he wasn't seeing anything. But then he blush from recalling that his face was at Y/n's chest.

'I-It was soft! Like a cloud!'

Y/n moves to see Sasuke who like usual decided to stand far from everyone. The raven hair boy's eyes widen.

His hands were shaking a little from looking up. "Are...Are you real?" Sasuke questioned.

His voice was rough, almost like he was screaming...he was probably screaming at Naruto.

"Now now, why are you standing there all by yourself. No one is gonna like you if keep on doing this." Y/n smiled patting Sasuke's shoulder.

His voice seemed to trigger some realization in him. His arms quickly but softly wrapped around him.

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