First round

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No One POV:

"Now then, the two displayed on the signboard, come forward."

Sasuke and the other guy Yoroi walked out as they stood out. "For the first battle, Yoroi Akado and Sasuke Uchiha have been selected. No objective right?" Hayate questioned.

Both stated that they were fine with the match.

'Sasuke is going up first! I can't wait!' Y/n thought.

He never got a chance to watch Sasuke's battle so he was excited to see what would happen. "Now then, we will begin the first battle." Hayate said, "Everyone else please move to the upper area."

They started to walk upstairs. The leaf ninjas are on one side while the other nations are on the other side. 

"Well seem that you guys can catch a breath." Haku and Y/n turn to see Zabuza. "Moshi Moshi!" Y/n waved. "Hello, Zabuza-Sensei."

Zabuza turns to Y/n, "Are you sure about this? You hear what that sick guy said." Zabuza questioned. 

"Hai! I'm okay, just sore." Y/n smiled raising his fist.

Zabuza grumbles, "Sometimes I wonder how you're like this?"

"Eh?!" Y/n said.

"Now then, let the match begin!" Hayate jumped out of the way.

Yoroi made a hand sign, his right hand started to glow. He threw shuriken but Sasuke deflected it with his Kunai.

Sasuke turned to move, but something wasn't right, he froze and suddenly fell over. Before he had a chance to recover, Yoroi was right on him.

His hand that was glowing slammed to the ground just missed Sasuke's head. Using the kunai on the ground, Sasuke spun around and kick Yoroi to the ground and locking him in an armbar.

"He did it!" Naruto cheered.

Y/n tilted his head a little, something was up. He didn't see Yoroi doing any kind of Jutsu. He grabbed Sasuke, his hand is now glowing.

Sasuke suddenly let go and Yoroi was able to land a hit on Sasuke's stomach. Sasuke was struggling to get on his feet and dodge a few hits before Yoroi grabbed his head, pinning him to the ground.

"What the-my chakra. What are you doing?" Sasuke asks.

 Yoroi laughed, "You just noticed now?"

"I'm confused, what's happening?" Y/n asked.

"The boy is stealing Sasuke's chakra," Zabuza answered. 

Everyone turned to Zabuza and he looked annoyed. "Use your head, without your chakra you wouldn't be able to stand or put up a fight. If Sasuke can't get out of there, then he's finished."

Sasuke shouted in pain as more of his chakra was sapping away. He growled, "Get off of me!"

Sasuke managed to kick Yoroi and managed to create enough distance between the two of them. He slowly tries to get up.

Yoroi only laughed more. "Such a wimpy boy, you still have power left?"

Y/n was nervously watching, "If he doesn't find a way to get past it then he's done for."

Haku nodded agreeing. "Given how long he was trapped in that hold. His chakra must've been almost depleted."

Y/n's hands were curled up in a fist.

Sakura must've heard them talking as her hands were covering her mouth. Muffling while sheading small tears, "Sasuke."

Naruto snarled before shouting at the weakened Sasuke. "Sasuke! You call yourself an Uchiha with that? Don't be looking so lame! Give your best!"

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