Byakugan vs. Shadow Clone

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If Y/n had his own sword, what would it look like?

No One POV:

"You guys are the heroes of this final competition."

It was time for the final competition as the crowd was cheering for the contestants. The contestants in the arena are Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, Shino, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara. However some was aware that there should be more people in the arena. But yet, they're not present at the moment. Some people, like the Third Hokage.

"No sign of Sasuke yet?" The Third Hokage ask. "No, a team of Anbu Black Ops are searching for him, but so far, they've found nothing." The male shinobi standing next to him informed. He move closer as he whispers, "He may already be in Orochimaru's hands, in which case, of course. We may never find him."

"I understand." Lord Third acknowledge into understanding. Footsteps came as Lord Third turn and smiled. "A-ha, you made it." Lord Third cheered. "Welcome, Lord Kazekage." There is the Kage of the Hidden Sand village with two men side by side with him.

Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara turn as they now see their Kazekage in present. Gaara with his non-visible brows glare up as he growls. The Kazekage seat down as he was being quiet. "You must be weary having come all this way." Lord Third said as of starting the conversation.

"Not at all." The Kazekage spoke as his voice was calm. "I'm only glad that for your sake the arena is here in the Leaf Village. As strong as you are, I'm sure a long journey would have proven difficult for you at your age." He mocked as his face was cover with a bandana. "Isn't it about time you decided who will succeed you as Hokage?"

"Hmm?" Lord Third started to laugh by the comments that Kazekage gave out. "You act as if I were an old man. There's plenty of life left in me." Lord third chuckled before standing up. "No, I plan on staying here for some time to come." He walk towards the rim, "Now then. It's time for the final rounds to begin."

"Welcome all, and our deepest thanks for coming here to the Village Hidden in the Leaves for this year's Chunin Selection. We have come to the final competition between the eight candidates who made it through the preliminaries. We ask that no one leaves until all the matches have been completed. Now, everyone enjoy."

The crowd started cheering but there were a few who was a little confuse as they were murmuring to one another. Even the Kazekage notice the words. "You said eight candidates. Aren't you missing some?" Lord Third didn't answer as he look at the candidates.

"Oh, there's one more thing before we get started." Genma pulls out a piece of paper from his shinobi vest. "Look it over." The contestants look at the paper they notice what it was. "Huh?" Naruto, Temari, and Shikamaru notice what was on it. "There's been a slight change in the matchups. But now it's set, so everyone take one last look at who you'll be facing." Genma informed.

'I thought I was supposed to fight an extra match.' Shikamaru thought as he look at the paper more. 'Hey, so that Dosu guy dropped out.' Shikamaru concluded. Gaara was staring at the paper as it was causing to remember a certain night.

"I was planning on attacking you while you slept. If I fight and defeat you now, then in the next round, I can battle the ones I really want to face, Y/n."

A shadow grew over as Dosu was frighten by what he's seeing.

"...You said his name..."

"W-What--What in the world are you?"

"Don't say his name with your filthy tong!"

"Uh question?" Naruto ask. "What is it?" Genma said as he puts away the piece of paper. "I was wondering what will happen to Sasuke, Haku, and Y/n? I mean, if either of them show up?" Naruto ask.

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