Round 2 Leaf vs. Mist

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No One POV:

"Alright, we're going to the bridge. This time keep your thoughts to yourself."

It's now in the morning and Naruto was back asleep as he was really tired that Kakashi had to carry him to bed. Sakura recovered but she has been avoiding Y/n and he doesn't care. 

If anything, he was relieved. Ever since he meets Chomei things got interesting. 

For starters, he can now feel the rage that he has towards Sakura as he can hear some comments on what to do with her. But would step in and calm him down, not only that but Chomei was teasing Y/n when he was asleep and came to the mindscape.

As they walk onto the almost finished bridge, Y/n gasped in surprise. The bridge was massive, it had to be wide enough for carts of supplies coming in and out of the island, and nearly long enough to reach the mainland.

"I can't believe how fast the bridge is almost done..." Y/n commented. "The was how you were talking about it; was as if they were doing a bad job."

Tazuna huffed in annoyance. "That's because they are. If my men weren't ready to put in their all, they should never take the job!"

Y/n smiled but have some irk marks on his face. Is he seriously complaining when the condition they're in isn't the best?

"There must only be days left until completion, right?" Kakashi asked the bridge builder. 

"Maybe a week at most, yes," Tazuna responded.

Y/n started to get a little worried as something fell off.

"Is something wrong?"

Y/n almost jump from the sudden voice. 

'Chomei! At least give me a warning.' 

Y/n wined mentally as it's early and he doesn't want to embarrass himself.

"...Right, because I can warn you while I'm in your mind."

Y/n felt embarrassed that he was right. How can something or someone give you a warning when they are a part of you?


"It's fine. So, what's wrong? Everything looks peaceful."

'That's just it. The bridge is almost done, so where is Gato or Zabuza?'

"Maybe he's still injured. You have to realize that the damage he got was pretty severe."

'I know that but still, this is Zabuza. The demon of the mist. Given the stories about him, the injury shouldn't be that much of a problem.'

Y/n still felt unsure about this. He makes his way to Kakashi. "Umm Sensei, how are you sure that Zabuza is still alive?"

Kakashi looked thoughtful. "Honestly? It's just a hunch." He answered. Y/n and the others turned their heads and stared at him. All this Sorry and stress to where he wasn't sure?

Kakashi sighed from the looks, "However my hunches usually end up being right." He said pointing at the end of the bridge.

At the end of the bridge where the construction workers usually work was instead a place where there are several corpses. The damage was a clean one as the blood was scattered so it leads to one thing. It was a massacre.

"He's here!" Y/n said pointing to the end of the bridge. The thick mist started to come towards the area. 

"He also brought the hunter ninja with him." He added as he felt two chakra sources.

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