Dead Demon Consuming Seal!

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Question: Who was Sasuke named after?

No One POV:

'A Jutsu I don't know...'

Orochimaru was more on alert. Hearing Sarutobi saying that he knows a Jutsu that he doesn't, made him on edge.

The three Sarutobi were still in their stance, from when they cast their Jutsu. Behind them was a grim reaper or well known as the Reaper Death Seal Jutsu. It suddenly looks in a direction.

'Must hurry....' Sarutobi mentally noted. 'This darkness is dangerous.'

"I'll have you show it to me," Orochimaru stated. Making Sarutobi keep his head up.

He notices something as he quickly guarded himself. Multiple attacks started to come as he was able to guard most of them. However, because of the genjutsu, he was in, he got hit in the stomach.

Pushing him back as he notices that his shoulder is bleeding. "What's the matter? Are you planning to be killed slowly by your predecessors?" Orochimaru taunted.

'Not yet...' Sarutobi said in thought.

The Reaper wrapped the beads around his hand. The fallen Sarutobi stand up while the two others were still on guard.

Suddenly marks started to appear in the Reaper's hand. Tracing down as it was slowly covering its arm. In front of him was a chakra in the shape of a human body.

Suddenly Sarutobi jumped a bit. It felt like someone, or something just went through his stomach. "It looks like...I was just in time."

"What's the matter? You're already stumbling..." Orochimaru stated.

The two Sarutobi started to make their move as they went in a separate direction. 'Now all that's to catch them!'

One of the clones turns. Sprinting towards a direction as he grabbed something.

"I got you!"

Sarutobi grabbed it as he was stabbed four times. Grunting in pain as he continues to hold it. "I won't let got!"


The Reaper stretches out more as it digs into the chakra body. Sarutobi's shirt was suddenly ripped as a phantom hand reach out from the stomach where the shirt ripped. Slowly seeking into the unknown body.

Soon the genjutsu was fading away. The darkness was gone as Sarutobi was holding on to the First Hokage. While the second Sarutobi was holding on to the Second Hokage.

'The darkness has disappeared...' Orochimaru frowned. 'What's this Jutsu?'

"Sarutobi!" Enma shouted.

The real Sarutobi's eyes were shaking a little. Both of the clones caught the Hokage, not Orochimaru.

"I'm sorry...Sarutobi." The First Hokage spoke. The Reaper's arm was slowly pulling out as it was grabbing the First Hokage's chakra.

"We caused you trouble..." The Second Hokage dry chuckled. The same process was happening to him.

"Please forgive me..." Sarutobi closes his eyes. "First Lord Hokage! Second Lord Hokage!"

As the Reaper's arm was pulling back, both of the Hokage's bodies started to crumble as they started to turn white. Now they have possession of the entire chakra.


The arm and the chakra went back into Sarutobi's body as both clones grunted in pain. Breathing hard as a seal suddenly appeared to their stomach.

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