A Mistake from the Past

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No One POV:

"Sasuke's movements have stopped! There's still quite a bit of distance, though...."

Pakkun informed everyone as they continued their search. Sakura frowns a little as she was getting worried. 'If he stopped his movements, then that means....'

Y/n turn towards Haku as he thought of the same thing. He must've finally caught up to him. But the problem is what happens now.

"Huh? This smell is...?!" Pakkun was suddenly on alert. He stopped as everyone else did the same.

"W-What's wrong?!" Naruto asks. "Did something happen to Sasuke?!" Sakura immediately asks.

"I didn't notice until now." It was Pakkun's sentence that made everyone on high alert.

"What didn't you notice?!" Y/n immediately asks.

"Sakura..." Pakkun turns towards her. "Did you know you used the same shampoo as me?"

Sakura's face immediately whitened. Y/n and Haku froze as they try to process what he just said. "This floral green fragrance. No doubt!"

"H-Hey now...!" Naruto was now getting mad. Y/n's eyes started to twitch as he slowly smiles. Haku suddenly froze as a turned towards Y/n.

"Well...my coat's shinier." Y/n slowly pulls out his sword as Haku immediately stops him.

"Don't be saying stupid things at such an important time!" Naruto yells. Sakura wobbles before she leans over to the tree.

"I'm the same as a dog?" Sakura asks while being white as a ghost. "Sorry, sorry..." Pakkun apologize.

"Same as a dog...Same as a dog..."

"Hey, Sakura?" Naruto looks towards Sakura.

"Same as a dog..."

Tears started to shimmer around as Sakura jumps weirdly off. Repeating the words, 'Same as a dog...'

"Hey Sakura...!" Y/n called out. "Wait!" Naruto goes after her.

"Oh! Hey! Don't go ahead of me!" Pakkun complained. He turns to see Y/n smiling down on him.

They stared at one another before Y/n follows everyone. Immediately Pakkun shivers. 'I'm getting dejavu.'

Scene Change Jutsu

"Dang it!" Kankuro cursed in his head. Sasuke has now caught up to them as Gaara was still unconscious.

"Sasuke Uchiha." Temari frowned and soon glared.

"I won't let you get away now." Sasuke smirk before quickly glares. "Especially after what you guys did."

'Jeez, this kid of all people...' Kankuro turns towards Gaara. 'At a time when Gaara is like this. Man, this is bad.'

"Heh! That's fine." Kankuro stated. Temari jumps up as he reaches his pouch. 

"Kankuro! Take Gaara and go quickly!" Temari throws some kunai as Sasuke dodges. "Leave him to me!"

"But Temari...!" Kankuro didn't like the idea. "No matter how you look at it, you can't beat him alone!"

"Leave me be!" Temari stated. "This is an important mission for the Village Hidden in the Sand! Make Gaara the priority!"

"Besides, this is what I've been waiting for." Sasuke frowned at Temari's words. "Go! Kankuro!"

Kankuro nodded as he starts to take off.

"I don't think so!" Sasuke immediately throws some kunai. However, they all miss as Kankuro now escaped with Gaara. Sasuke tries to get to him, but Temari was now in front of him.

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