Assassin of the Moonlit Night

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No One POV:


Y/n looks at Gaara as he could see his tail beast is slowly taking over him. He could see Gaara's two faces smiling with glee, lust, and possession.

Meanwhile, Haku was with Sasuke as he checks upon him. 'Seems like we made it before things get worse,' Haku thought as he looks in a direction, 'If we were still with 'Naruto and the others, we would've been too late...'

Temari regains his consciousness as he notices Y/n and Haku. "Y/n..." He whispers as his eyes widen.

Y/n and Gaara stare at one another as neither one of them was looking away. Those half blue and golden eyes staring at both Y/n and Chomei were getting nervous. "Ha...Haku...?" Y/n spoke as Sasuke was shakenly trying to stand.

"You guys..." Sasuke shakily spoke, "Get out of here! He's after you Y/n!"

"I'm not leaving." Y/n stated, "Besides, we are in a middle of a mission, and you are wounded."

"I'm not leaving either." Haku stated as he agreed, "Where Y/n go, I go. If he fights, then I'm gonna defend."

"Y/n! Haku!" Everyone gasped as Naruto, Sakura, and Pakkun came in. "Oh no Sasuke!" Naruto yells as both Naruto and Sakura check on him.

Sakura notices the marks on Sasuke's body as her eyes widen. 'B-But Kakashi Sensei...He said this wasn't something to worried about! Then why on earth is the...!?'

"Hey young girl!" Sakura turned to Pakkun, "I want you to know that I'm not the fighting type!"

"We can tell by looking at you!" A vein was showing on Sakura's face. She was so upset by Pakkun, if they arrived at a later time then what would've happened to Sasuke, Haku, and Y/n?

Sasuke started screaming as Sakura quickly turn to him. 'In any case, we need to get away from here and somehow take Sasuke to Kakashi Sensei!'

Gaara was growling as Naruto was next to Y/n. "You..." He growls as he stares viciously at Naruto.

Sasuke coughs out some blood which made Sakura and Haku worried. 'Well! Your limit is two shots...' Kakashi's voice echoes through his mind, 'The third shot won't be activated...Remember this well. If you try to force a Jutsu to activate...not only will the Jutsu not properly activate, but your Chakra will deplete to zero...and in the worst case, you'll die!'

Sasuke groans as he was gripping his shoulder blades, 'In any case, I need to get control over this.'

"Sasuke!" Sakura spoke with worried as Haku was looking at him. "He must've gone over his limits..."

"I see you're..." Y/n and Naruto look at Gaara, "the one I failed to kill that time."

Y/n gasps as he turns to Naruto who flinched as he remembers that day. "Naruto..." Y/n spoke as he furrows his brows, "What is he talking about?"

'I live fighting for only my love and loving my love...And as long as others will take them away from me...I will never disappear.'

Suddenly Naruto grabs Y/n's wrist, "Let's run! Everyone!"

Suddenly a flash came toward Naruto. Slowly turning does he sees Gaara charging after him and Y/n. Sakura, Haku, and Pakkun eyes widen at the speed.

"I won't let you take him from me!"

Y/n instinct spun Naruto around as he stood in front of Naruto. Bringing out his sword as he was ready to attack. "Y/n!" Naruto yell as he was flying where the others are.

Gaara's eyes widen as he looks at Y/n. Seeing how he was standing to protect the others, reminded him of Yashamaru.

"No!" Gaara stretched out his limbs as he captures Y/n to a tree. "Gah!" Y/n's eyes widen as he landed on a tree while trying to push Gaara's morphed arm off.

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