Ninja Handbook

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(Part 2 of Q&A Is starting soon! Ask whatever you want with me, the book, or the characters!)

No One POV:

Y/n felt pain in his chest, in his arms, and his mind. Chomei was also in pain, what Shukaku said is true, Y/n isn't the only host.

It would explain everything to Y/n. He realizes that he isn't as strong compared to Naruto, or with his healing factor. When Naruto come over and ask Y/n to heal him, he saw no wounds, while during the Land of the Waves he was still unconscious with a hole in his stomach.

'Chomei, what do we do?'

"...We need Naruto."

'Naruto?! He's afraid of him!'

"I know, but when he saw you in battle he changes."

"So, this is my butterfly's mindscape ~?"

Y/n gasped as he sees that he was in his mindscape. "W-What the-?!" He looks around as he suddenly sees sand around him.

"Y/n?" He turned around and see Chomei. "My love~" Y/n froze as he hears the wind and the sand prickling him.

He turns around but sees a human or a man. They have long spiky blond hair with similar glowing eyes, "Sh-Shukaku? How-?"

"It's because of us." Y/n turn to see Chomei, "We aren't completely one. I have someone else as the vessel for my other half."

Y/n's eyes widen as he understands what Chomei is saying because they have two separate Jinchūriki which means they don't have all the strength like Naruto or Panda. "But how is he able to get in here?"

"My Desert Rose," Y/n felt something pulling him by the waist as he turns to see Shukaku. "I can come in because of the Kage that seals my sibling into two people. You're not strong enough to where I can come in and now have you to the mind and body."

Y/n's hands were slightly shaking. Suddenly he felt something pulling him away as he felt something against him. He looks up to see now Chomei only in a human body appearance, "Get away from him Shukaku."

"So now my sibling is trying to take away my Y/n," Shukaku growls as Chomei glares hard at him.

"Your Y/n? He's mine, my partner, my vessel, if you think just because I don't have all my powers that I won't stop you then you're out of your mother fucking mind!"

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Y/n gasps as he was out of the mindscape. A large smoke came as it shows a giant toad.

'I will protect...' A blonde boy was on top of the toad as he stares at Shukaku, "Y/n!"

'Naruto...' Y/n stared at Naruto as his eyes widen. 'How did you...Amazing...'

"What is this?" The toad spoke as Naruto was confused, "Huh?"

"Not you again!" The toad complained. "What in the world do you want? Huh?"

They notice Shukaku as well as Y/n. 'That must be...the Shukaku of the Sand. But who's the kids and why is Shukaku holding them?'

"Chief Toad!" Naruto smirks, "Come join me in this fight!"

"...Take a hike" Chief Toad answers.

"What?!" Naruto demanded angrily.

"Why would I go out of my way and fight a guy like that? That's idiotic!"

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