Team Assembles

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How does it feel to be living in my dream?! Gah!

No One POV:

It was morning as Y/n was now awake. He yawned as he gets out of bed. He was about to get in the bathroom, but the door was suddenly open. Iruka came and see Y/n, "Oh good morning, Y/n. Great job on the bandages." 

He notices that Y/n didn't respond, and his face was red. He was confused until he realizes that he has on no clothes but a towel around his waist. "Y-Y-Your c-c-clothes u-um might be in your room," Y/n said looking away hard. 

Iruka nodded quickly and sprint there as he did a despairing cry. 'I just saw his body. It was a good tone I'm jealous!' Y/n just went there and try to forget everything that he saw. He got done and get dressed, he was going downstairs but he hears snoring. 

He goes and sees Naruto still asleep in the extra bedroom. 

"Moshi Moshi! Naruto, we have to go remember" Y/n whispered but yelled at the same time. Naruto groaned but mumble, "No stay Y/n." 

'Is he having a dream about me!?' Y/n thought to himself as he was getting flustered. He got an idea, he left but came back with one thing ramen. 

He fans the smell to Naruto as a way to wake him up. Naruto's eyes widen as he sees Y/n smiling with ramen in his hand. "Yeah, you're the best!" He said happily and took the ramen while walking out to get ready. 

'It worked! I was just being silly!'

Y/n shook his head as he grabbed his katana before heading stairs. He waits and sees Iruka and Naruto, however when he saw Iruka he blushed a bit before turning his head. 

Iruka did the same thing as Naruto was confused but shrugged it off. They were walking to the academy when they hear Sakura and Ino fighting again. 'I hope they realize that he doesn't want to be with them. Though it would break Ino's heart.'

Ino is a good friend of Y/n, there would be a time when he would go to a flower shop that Ino also go to, and they talk. Turned out that they have some things in common so they're like cousins to one another, plus they both dislike Sakura. 

Naruto said to Y/n that he needs to get something really quick, he nodded and head to the classroom. When he made it, he was going to find a seat, but a hand grabbed his wrist. 

"Huh?" He turns and sees that the hand belongs to Sasuke. "Moshi Moshi, is there something you need?" He asks. Sasuke didn't answer but dragged him to a spot that was near the window, he sat down at a seat that was closer to the window. 

"Sit. Better you than those crazy fangirls." He spoke. Y/n nodded with a smile before sitting down. "So, what do you think we might be doing?" He asks. 

Sasuke just grunted as an answer.

"So... are there any hobbies that you do?" Y/n asks changing the subject. Sasuke still grunted as Y/n was now slowly getting annoyed, 'He's impossible to read but that's what makes him unique.' 

Y/n turn and see Naruto coming at the door. "Sorry, Y/n had to get some stuff that was at my place. Thanks for letting me stay at your place!" He shouted as it caused some people to look either shocked or jealous. 

'He stayed at Y/n's place?!' Y/n giggled which caused some people to blush, "No problem, Naruto it was nice having company." Suddenly Y/n heard rumbling sounds from the halls. 

"Oh my!" He mumbles. Naruto and Sasuke look confused, "What?"  Y/n turns to Sasuke as he giggles, "Your favorite stalker is coming." 

'Eh, I just don't want to see him sad, but he needs to know.' Sasuke looks pale and mumbles "Hide me." 

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