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"...ake up."




Y/n POV:

I groan as I blinked my eyes and try to get up. Look around as I was in bed and my outfit changed to a gown. I feel a small pain in my stomach as it caught me off guard.

"He's awake!"

I look as if I was suddenly pulled into a hug. I couldn't see who it was as my eyes were adjusting from the suddenly. 

"Oi! Get off of him dope!"

The body was pulled out of me as I was able to see who it was, "Hey! What's the big idea teme!" It's Naruto and Sasuke, both of them are here. 

I try to talk but my throat felt so dry as I can't talk. They must've realized it as they sprinted out to the hallway.

"Those idiots are gonna be the death of me."

I jump as I turn to see Kakashi Sensei on the other side of the bed. He sees me as he ruffles my hair, "I'm glad that you're okay." 

I can see that in his eyes they were pink but also red. Has he been crying?

"I ate something spicy as it was from Naruto so that's why my eyes are like this," Kakashi said as I guess he read my mind. I look around trying to figure out where we are as I turn to Kakashi hoping that he would answer me.

"Y/n, we're back in the village. You've been out for almost three days." Kakashi explains. 


"What about the mission? Gato, the bridge, everyone?" 

"Hey, hey calm down. Everything would be answered as soon as you're able to be released from the hospital." Kakashi said rubbing my back.

Footsteps were heard as I turn to see both Naruto and Sasuke, "I have some water!" Both of them turn to each other as they glare at one another. 

"Move Naruto, Y/n need some water," Sasuke demanded. "Yeah, that's why I have one in my hand so he can have mine," Naruto said. 

"No, he's not getting some water from you because you got it from the bathroom. Mine was from the fountain." Sasuke stated as I and Kakashi were dumb folded by this.

I don't care, I just need some water. "Okay, you two settle down. Both of you give Y/n your cup of water." Kakashi ordered. 

Naruto and Sasuke glared at each other one last time before they put the water down. I picked up the cup as I felt the stare as it was Naruto and Sasuke looking at me weirdly. 

I look at the cup and look back at the two, blinking before taking both cups and drinking them at the same time. Naruto and Sasuke fell as Kakashi had a tick mark as he now notice the reason from the stare.

I look at his team as he notices something or rather someone is missing. "Where...Sakura?" Y/n managed to ask.

"Sakura just got released and is at home resting. To explain more we need to go to the Hokage once you're released." Kakashi explained.

Now I'm confused, Sakura was at the hospital? For what reason? 

All she did was guard Tazuna as he, Naruto, and Sasuke dealt with Haku. Kakashi also had to battle against Zabuza.

The nurses came and see me awake they quickly call the doctor to check me out. They see that my chest was fine as there was no scar or any sustainable bruise. 

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