A Failure's True Power

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What would be the character's ship name for Y/n?

No One POV:

"It's your destiny to lose to me."

The match was on as Naruto and Neji was still fighting. Naruto was silent as everyone else was, hearing Neji's background. Knowing that he is what he is today, because of how the Hyuga clan has been treating their relatives.

Neji's father was kill because of how the cloud ninjas wanted the person responsible to the death to be killed. But because of how Neji's father was a twin brother to Hinata's father as well as being tied to the curse mark, he had no other obligation but to be the one that will face death.

"Oh yeah?" Naruto challenge. "Well, we won't know that until you beat me, will we?" Naruto question as he was panting. Naruto got hit with Neji's move, the Eight Trigram Sixty-Four Palm. A technique where the user hits all of their opponents chakra points, no longer given them the ability to use any technique that requires the use of chakra. 

Neji frown by what Naruto said. "Okay. So your father was killed a long time ago, and I know it wasn't fair and maybe you're upset about that, I understand. But that's got nothing to do with destiny." Naruto stated. "If you think I'm buying that, you're wrong."

"You will never understand." Neji countered. He activated his Byakugan as he goes to attack Naruto. He landed his gentle fist at Naruto, hitting him in the stomach. "Ah!" Naruto was push back by that force.

"Proctor. It's over." Neji deactivate his Byakugan. "Hm. You're a failure." Neji stated.

"Wait, don't walk away from me."

Neji turn as he sees Naruto shakenly getting up. "I'm not done yet. I don't quit, and I don't go back on my word. That's my nindo, my ninja way." It was that last sentence, the sentence that Hinata stated during his match against Neji.

Hinata whimper as he tries to get up. "I never go back...on my word." Hinata stated as he slowly get up.

"Because that too is my nindo, my ninja way."

"Ha." Neji smirk as he know remembers. "I've heard those words before." He replied. "All this destiny crap." Naruto said as he glares at Neji. "Well, if you really believe it, why are you the one walking away?" Naruto challenge.

Sakura and Ino was watching as they were shock. Seeing Naruto getting hit, from Neji's life story, now to Naruto constantly getting back from the blows that he gets hit with. 'Naruto.' Sakura thought.

Hiashi and Hanabi was watching the match. Neither of them was showing any emotion as they were just watching match. However the thoughts were different, constantly having an argument with one another. The thought of the branch family being more powerful then the main branch. From seeing the display that Neji could've been a true prodigy if he was a member of the main household.

"You impudent little brat! Why waste my breath explaining it to you?" Neji question. His Byakugan was on as he was glaring hard at Naruto. "We are all given a destiny at birth, and it's pointless to fight against it."

Flash Back Jutsu:

It was at the Hyuga estate as little Neji and his father Hizashi are together. Both of them are in their training attire as Neji had bandages wrapped around his forehead, blocking the curse mark from the people's eyes.

Hizashi put his hand on Neji's head as he flinch a little, looking upset. "Neji, my son, the Hyuga bloodline trait flows stronger in you than in any other member of our clan." Hizashi said to his son as he smiled at him. "I should've been born a few moments earlier and made you part of the main household."

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