Deadly Heart Attack

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Would you rather: Have Y/n be your brother? Or, have Y/n be your father?

Third Person POV:

Something was wrong?

The air was thick...

The air was heavy...

It was like that feeling, when your neck hair started to raise. That is what Y/n is feeling right now, he glance around his shoulder and find nothing.

Even Chomei felt as if something was wrong, but yet he couldn't confirm what it was. The air felt very familiar, so familiar that it was making him feel frustrated.

Y/n was continuing his sword training as he was waiting for Gyomei to arrived. He know that he was going to be late. He jacket was down as his body was getting heated. However the feeling was still bothering him, it was as if he was being watched. Maybe he was just being paranoid...or is it because of the match.

'Panda...' Y/n echoed in his thought. His opponent was Gaara as he was half n half ready for the fight. He know what Gaara's weakness was, but that doesn't mean that Gaara knows. If anything with his match against Sakura, it was a quick match. But that doesn't mean that people were able to take notes.

He displayed that he was a sword user. He's able to use poison to his benefit. Plus he has incredible speed. Three major things that Y/n exposed that everyone would be know of now.

'The feeling won't go away.' Y/n complained in his thought. It was as if eyes was burning it's gaze at him. He doesn't want to tell anyone about his feelings. Many people would think that he's just under the weather, or maybe that the Final Round is just finally getting to him, or he would have to face Zabuza's...mood.

"My boy, I've arrived." Gyomei greeted as he rubbed his beads. "Konnichiwa Gyomei Sensei!" y/n greeted with his smile. "What are you gonna teach me!?" Y/n ask with sparkle in his eyes. "Such a strong soul, Namu-Amidabutsu." Gyomei prayed as he cries a little.

"P-Please don't cry!" Y/n panicked. He rushed to where his jacket it and use it to wipe Gyomei's tears. "S-So...what do you wish to reach me Gyomei Sensei?" Y/n ask once again. "I wish to ask my boy, how well are you with your sword skills?" Gyomei ask.

"I'm good with them, though I rely a lot on my mother's sword style. I don't know a whole lot of her style. Her style was only made for her, not me. Even our blade was forge differently." Y/n explained.

"Ah, the Love Ninja Mitsuri. Her sword was far different from you, that's why you use your father's style. I will help you find your own style, do you have your sword?" Gyomei requested.

"Here it is!" Y/n cheered, pulling out his blade that he found and use ever since his graduation at the Academy.

The blade with flower design that is carved in the blade. Though the guard of the sword is small and just a plain black. The blade itself is what's able to capture the people attention. The blade was a mixture of lavender purple and small shade of pink.

Meanwhile a strange feeling was stirring in their chest. The heart was tightening as they couldn't take their eyes off of Y/n. The strong, yet beautiful teen was the only thing that they could think about. But the question was why?

What was the feeling that they're feeling? Never in their live has they felt anything like this. Anything that's not anger nor disgust. They've despise people from the very beginning, but yet they can't at the moment. They couldn't take their eyes off of the person as it soon became, an obsession.

Was the feeling love?

They just don't know...

Time Skip Jutsu:

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