A Dangerous Mission!

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No One POV

"Y/n reporting from point A."

"Sasuke reporting from point B."

"Sakura reporting from point C."

"...Naruto reporting at point D. Believe it!"

"You're slow Naruto," Kakashi said through the headset. "Okay, Squad 7...hm... the target has moved! Follow it!"

Y/n crept behind the trees quickly, not making a sound to alert the target. His eyes were now focused like an archer on watch out. 

He has to focus so he would see the target since they're small.

"What's your position?" Kakashi asks. "Five meters," Naruto answered, "I'm ready, just give the signal."

"Two meters," Y/n answered as well, "I'm ready when you guys are."

"I'm ready too," Sasuke asked. 

"So am I!" Sakura followed up.


As soon as he gave the signal Y/n moved swiftly and scooped up the cat into his arms. The feline began to struggle a bit, but Y/n loosen his grip and stroked the cat's head gently. 

The cat calm down as it was also sniffing Y/n's hair a bit then started to nuzzle his face and purr.

"Aw... I wanted to get him!" Naruto pouted. "Ara? Um...do you wanna hold him?" Y/n asked, hoping to cheer him up. 

Naruto nodded his head as Y/n gentle passed the cat to the Uzumaki. Unfortunately, the cat immediately started attacking him and made him fall to the ground in pain as the claws started to get into his face.

"Does he have the ribbon on his left ear?" Kakashi asks, being aware of what's happening. "Affirmative," Sasuke answered, not paying attention to the sounds of pain and struggle behind him as Naruto tried to get the cat off of him, and Y/n tried to help both Naruto and the cat.

"We got a positive I.D." He continues once Y/n got the feline off of Naruto, making the cat now be relaxing and pure again once it started nuzzling him. Making Naruto go on an outrage.

"Good. Lost pet Tora, captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi declared. 


Naruto screamed through the headset, causing Y/n to yelp in pain and quickly take it out. Kakashi crashed to the ground from the loud noise. Sasuke winced and threw the headset as Sakura started to yell at Naruto.

The cat placed its paw on Y/n's face, causing him to close one of his eyes. "H-Hey! Those tickles!"

Y/n laughed as he tries to breathe but it wasn't helping as the whiskers were also tickling him. Naruto and Sasuke blushed at the butterfly boy as he was confused by his team's behavior.

Meanwhile unknown to them a certain silver hair also blush a bit before clearing his thought.

"Don't get too attached, Y/n. Tora has a home to get back to." Y/n sighed and pouted a bit, "I know, I know."

Scene Change Jutsu:

"I think I now know why he ran away." Y/n sweatdropped as he's watching Tora getting squashed by a hug, from his owner. Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as Naruto was enjoying the cat's misery, "Stupid cat! He deserves to get squashed!"

Sakura shook her head in sympathy for the poor feline while Sasuke, well being Sasuke showed zero emotion towards the cat.

Lord Third drew their attention by picking up some papers. "Some of the missions we have available are... babysitting the Feudal Lord's three year old, helping his wife do the shopping, digging up potatoes in the-"

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