Bonding With Poison

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😫Just imagine yourself being hugged by this MAN🙏

Third Person POV:

"Okay fine!" Anko yelled as Y/n sigh as he turn to see that Gyomei was rubbing his beads. "Gyomei Sensei? Are you okay with it? She's a friend of my father." Y/n ask Gyomei as he did wanted to spend time with someone who is a friend with his parents. "Hmm..." Gyomei look at Anko, who was holding Y/n as she was glaring at him.

"So much sins, but I'll be able to cleanse her."

Y/n smiled as Anko look lost. She turn to Y/n and see that he was smiling so she realize that Gyomei was gonna let her hang out. "Yes! Let's go get some sweets!" Anko cheered as she sprinted away as Y/n was being carried over her shoulder. Gyomei was the only one left as he realize that Anko was holding Y/n, and left him alone.

"So unkind." Gyomei slowly teared up. However his body was telling a different story. If he had pupils, he would be glaring at the ground, and his arm's veins was showing.

"So Anko, where exactly are we going?" Y/n ask as he was getting dizzy by where he was in. He was over Anko's shoulder, who was jumping from roof to roof. What wasn't helping is how fast she was going. "We, my adorable butterfly. We are going to get some dango!" Anko cheered. "But Gyomei Sensei..." Y/n mumbled.

"He's a big boy." Anko commented, "He'll be able to catch up to us." Y/n was still unsure as he know that he's strong. But it's the fact that he know how the people can be in the village he's worried, if they see Gyomei crying and that he's blind, then they would be mean to him. He decided to trust Anko as he didn't know where they are right now. He look to the side and see a store as he caught Anko smiling, "Ara ara, is this the place?"

Anko squealed as she was suddenly hugging Y/n. "I missed that! Shinobu would be saying that phrase! It never gets old!" She squealed as Y/n was so confuse by what's happening. The two of them went to the store as the man who works there notice Anko as he smiled. However he was confused by seeing Y/n. "Oh Anko, just the usual? But who's the kid next to you?" The man questioned.

"This is my boy, Y/n!" Anko declared. The entire store went silent as the workers look bewildered while the customers look shock. Even the lady who was going to eat her dango was shock as it fell out of her stick. "

"I'm sorry, but he's my child."

Everyone turn and see Gyomei as he was staring at Anko. "Already such a young girl made a sin. I must cleanse my child (prayer chant)." Gyomei chanted as he rubbed his beads. Anko had an irk mark on her head as she look at him. "How did you catch up that quick!?" She demanded.

She felt something cold as she realize that Y/n was no longer with her. 'Where's my baby!' Anko screamed in thought. She look around but quickly glare. Gyomei was holding Y/n as his face was on Gyomei's chest.

'His chest is so big!' Y/n was having a mental breakdown. If he was released then the people would his blushing face and his eyes was widen.

"...It's warm."

'Chomei you're not helping!'

"I will hold him so I can cleanse him." Gyomei said as it cause another irk on Anko's head. "H-How about we get some dango?" Y/n suggested. He didn't want them to cause more scene then the two of them already did. The two of them stared at each other as Anko turn her head and clicked her tongue. She turn to the worker as she put two fingers out. "Dangos please." Anko requested.

Everyone from the store snapped out of their trance as they try to act like a fight was gonna go down. The man just nodded as he slowly turn and walk away. The woman notice that a piece of her dango was on the ground as she cried as she look down on the floor. Gyomei felt something tapping his arm, realizing that he was still hugging Y/n.

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