Snake Vs Butterfly

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No One POV:

Everything and everyone were slowing down. The girl's movements, Haku and Sasuke's movements, and even Y/n's movements were starting to slow down.

Y/n was getting tired, though he has great speed he lacks stamina as it's a weakness that he has. All of his attacks involved distance or small quick dashes like the samurai movies where the warrior makes a quick dash, seething the weapon, and the enemy is dead.

Not only that but his body is starting to get heavy and tense. He has been using a lot of his Love-style jutsu because he hasn't seen any movements of the girl to get a reading. 

Plus, the girl has the fastest speed he has met making it hard to adjust his eye to focus.

"Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!"

Suddenly ice mirrors were forming as Y/n realize that Haku made an opportunity. Y/n is made into the mirror as the girl now sees many reflections of Y/n as she notices that his katana is no longer looking like a whip, plus his smile shows off something more.

However, something else happens.

His reflections were swarming with butterflies in the mirror. Y/n along with the reflection started to move fast as the girl couldn't see fully because of the butterflies that were swarming around the mirrors.

She caught a shadow but-

"Breath of Insect, Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon!"

As the butterflies clear out multiple blood spots were open as the girl now has six strike attacks on her torso, her left arm, her right chest, and her neck. In the end, Y/n was kneeling trying to catch his breath as he slowly was standing up. 

He turns and smiles at the girl, "Sayonara."

The girl was confused until the poison kicked into her. She held her mouth as she moved back a bit, kneeling as she coughed out blood. 

Her body felt like she was on fire as she screamed in pain as she looks and see Y/n was smiling at her. Clicking on why he said sayonara.

"Haku! Sasuke! Now!" Y/n called as he pulled out the senbon that Haku had and throw it around the girl. 

Both were confused until Haku notice that the needles had strings attached to her. Making her trapped.

Haku throws his needles as they also had strings making her trapped. Sasuke performed his Dragon Flame Jutsu, hitting her while not melting the mirrors.

The girl broke the strings as she started to stand up again. Y/n readied himself as he pulls out his blade. 

He was about to strike when he froze, he saw her eyes as they held so much bloodlust. It triggered him to see things.

The man with the fan had so much bloodlust.

"I didn't expect you to be able to use your Sharingan this much for your age Sasuke. You're truly an Uchiha just like your brother..." Her voice was suddenly changing to now a deeper tone. "Not only that, but I get to see another butterfly wandering around. That poison, you are truly a Kocho."

"Who in the world are you?" Sasuke demanded after hearing his brother's name.

"It sounded like you want Sasuke..." Haku was disgusted, "What made you think we would let you take him?"

"How are you even standing? The poison they should've..." Y/n question as he sees them grinning.

"Aw, it seems that the butterfly can't believe that someone is standing after your amazing poison kicked in. It did hurt as I know you enjoyed it, truly like your father. But I have grown and got immune to it." They answered.

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