The Konoha Crush Begins!

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No One POV:

An explosion came as Kakashi, and Guy quickly turn. "Lord Hokage!" They charge as some members of Anbu came faster. "Leave it to us!" They yell as they rush to the scene. "Lord Kazekage, what is this?" Lord Third demanded. The Kazekage didn't answer as he stares at him, making a gasp as he caught it.

"Lord Hokage!" The steam started rising as the Anbus started to make their way towards the kages. "Gaara!" Temari and Kankuro rush out of the waiting area. The Anbu came as one member had a white cloak on. "Squad one, above. Squad two, below. Protect the nobles." The squad went down as they go to their spot. Two of the sand shinobi came as they go for an attack. "You will not interfere!" The white cloak anbu took out the two ninjas. But the one protecting Lord Third was now pierced with multiple knives. 

"Lord Hokage, you must flee. Escape now." The shinobi grunts before he fell to the ground. Before Lord Third could move, Kazekage came from behind as he holds on to Lord Third with a kunai at his neck. Jumping out of the smoke as suddenly four people came to the corner.

"Heh. Finally, it's my time." A male with multiple arms smirks. "We've all been waiting for this. I was so frustrated hiding in that disguise." Another male with dark blue hair said. "You're all sweaty, too. So gross." This time a female spoke as she had red hair. "Come on. We're all friends here, right?" A big guy said to make them focus.

'Sound ninja.' Lord Third notices them as he looks at them more. The Anbu looks at their fallen comrade as the white cloak one was the most in grieve. "Raido..." They mumbled before turning to the team, "Let's go, we have to back up Lord Hokage. Beware of traps!"

All the Anbu quickly exits as the Kazekage glare. "Do it." He commanded the four ninjas. All four of the ninjas follow the command as they put their hands together.

"Ninja Art, Four Flames Formation."

Suddenly a black cube was forming as it was protecting the Kazekage, along with trapping Lord Third. One of the Anbu was too late, crashing into the Jutsu as his body went up in flames. "A barrier." The other Anbu grunts as they now have to come up with a way to pass the barrier. Without having to end up as their recent fallen member.

The Kazekage chuckles as Lord Third growl a little. "Lord Kazekage." 

"That's a barrier ninjutsu." Guy noted as Kakashi, Zabuza, Haku, Gyomei, Anko, and Sakura turn. "They outwitted the Anbu Black Ops, and the Anbu are supposed to be the best." They make their way downstairs as they see an Anbu down there. "Why are you here? Lord Hokage's in danger!" Suddenly four shinobis came out of their disguise as they were with the Anbu.

"What a nuisance." Kakashi's eyes squinted. "Well, ain't this something. Seems like our enemy dressed as an Anbu Black Ops." Zabuza dry chuckle. "Which means, they're responsible for the genjutsu," Anko concluded as she clicked her tongue. Anko looks to the side as her eyes widen. "Y/n!" They turn to see that the genjutsu also caught him as was unconscious to the ground.

"I never...The Sand Village has betrayed the Leaf Village?" Lord Third question. "The treaty between our villages was simply a trick to make you let your guard down. This petty little battle game ends now." The Kazekage brought the blade closer. "From this point on, the course of history will change."

"What are you saying?" Lord Third turns, "That you're going to start a war?" He questions. "That's right." Kazekage answer. "Armed conflict resolves nothing. We should seek a resolution through negotiation." Lord Third then quickly glare. "There's still time, Lord Kazekage. You can reconsider."

Kazekage chuckles, "Perhaps the fear of death makes one more cowardly with age," He then opens his eyes, "Sarutobi Sensei." Lord Third's eyes widen. "You!"

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