Central City Singing Contest

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David looked over the other judges, well, those that had arrived seeing one of the local musical instructors. The last judge he was told was famous worldwide - why they got someone famous in, he doesn't know.


Santana grunted as she was walked through the corridor. Why did she have to judge a talent show for this city? She wasn't from Central City, so why would it have to involve her?
She rolled her eyes when she saw the other two judges, a Police Captain and a music teacher - was she there to make sure actual talent won?

The stage they were using had large, dripping curtains currently blocking their view of everything. Behind Santana, there were two layers to the audience seating - fancy - but still, nothing compared to where she used to perform.

The (un)comfortable silence was broken as the singing first began. Santana almost abused the table as she tried to block out the screeching.


David felt like screaming by the tenth act; only one of them could vaguely sing. Why didn't they get some red buttons like the shows? That would have been brilliant!
He sighed when the curtain closed; finally, the torture was ending. But, looking down at his sheet, they were only halfway through the listed performances - no way had that many people dropped out.

Around five minutes later, the curtain raised again.


There was a figure crouched with their back facing them, a drum positioned in front of them. Further, towards the back of the stage, there was a row of rock, creating a wall of sorts.

David went to open his mouth to ask what the act was when the person started to beat the drum.
Slowly, the sound grew louder, and more instruments joined in with the sound.

Brothers of the mine rejoice!

The person in the centre started to sing, still drumming.

Swing, swing, swing with me

Dwarfs raised from behind the rocks, holding pickaxes.

Raise your pick and raise your voice!

The central person stopped drumming, standing with their back to the audience as they sang.

Sing, sing, sing with me

Another layer of dwarfs appeared from behind the rocks.

Down and down into the deep
Who knows what we'll find beneath?
Diamonds, rubies, gold and more
Hidden in the mountain store

Within the singing, people raised different objects meant to look like precious metals.

Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone
Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home
Skin made of iron, steel in our bones
To dig and dig makes us free
Come on, brothers, sing with me!

They all sang together, the central person still with their back to the audience.

I am a dwarf, and I'm digging a hole
Diggy, Diggy hole, Diggy, Diggy hole
I am a dwarf, and I'm digging a hole
Diggy, Diggy hole, digging a hole

The judges flung around, seeing a layer of singers, all dressed like miners behind them.

The sunlight will not reach this low
Deep, deep in the mine
Never seen the blue moonglow
Dwarves won't fly so high
Fill a glass and down some mead!
Stuff your bellies at the feast!
Stumble home and fall asleep
Dreaming in our mountain keep

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