(Mature) I am Sebastian Smythe (extended) (long)

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Everyone that knew him was deeply afraid of Sebastian.
Why would you not, though?

Everyone that knew him was deeply softened of Barry.
Why would you not, though?

The thing is, they are both the same person.
What happens when the two personalities came through together when Sebastian appeared when everyone only knew of Barry?

This happens.


Barry was currently looking at Snart; highly confused. He had placed down his weapon, then continued to kick it away from himself, while making sure that there was no way for anyone to hear or see their interactions.

Back at STAR Labs, they'd all just lost signal to Barry, so had no way of being able to check on him. Honestly, this was becoming a regular occurrence; it didn't worry them much now. They were still able to monitor his vitals.

Barry was stood there for quite a while, before he finally spoke up, slipping into Sebastian at his annoyance that he was currently feeling towards Snart. "I know I may be sexy, but are you going to continue staring like a blundering baboon?" He asked, removing his mask so that Snart could see his raised eyebrow.

Snart seemed thrown by Barry's question, but quickly covered it by replying with, "no, I was just thinking, how long have you had this other cover? This villainous side to you? Surely you could not have hidden it from your family and friends, or at least minimal of Team Flash?"

Frowning slightly, Barry looked at Snart questionably, keeping his answer as minimal as he can, just in case that Snart was bluffing for some unapparent reason. "You mean my High School years? Oh, only since High School and no one knows of it."

"Now Scarlet, or should I call you Sebastian Smythe, surely you have told someone about it?" Snart replied.

Stalking forwards, like a predator hunting its prey, Sebastian got into Snart's face, before whispering dangerously down to Snart, "that's my name, don't wear it out." Coming to more of a 'normal' tone, Sebastian then continued, his eyes searching Snart's face for an answer to the unasked question, "what do you want? To blackmail me? Demand something of me?"

Looking bravely up at him, though he was cowering slightly under the harsh gaze, Snart replied with, "none of that. Just wanted to know if the Scarlet Speedster has a dark past. Whether the information that I had collected truly linked together properly. See, I thought I recognised your face when we first met. I only just linked it together. Even though the villain groups here do we hear of this amazing Sebastian Smythe, someone who everyone feared just after one encounter. The name became famous within all villains. You see, when you disappeared, a great spark of discussion erupted into the world I link to."

"Oh, whys that? They think that this legendary character was imprisoned?" Sebastian snarked.

"No, that everyone knew you had not been taken down," Snart replied strong, his voice not wavering.

"Colour me impressed. You all seem to hold together to those who you see in." Sebastian replied, his smirk spread across his face.

Snart smirked slightly in return, sitting half-slanted on his face. "We villains are loyal to those who earn our respect. Now, Scarlet, what could someone like you do to have earned this respect? All I see is a spandex-wearing hero." Snart questioned, staring into Sebastian's eyes.

"Only having people cower if I look at them. Make people be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Make people try to kill themselves because of me. I really could go on." Sebastian growled, eye's thundering down on Snart like he was a piece of crap beneath his shoe.

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now