Who are you and where's Barry?

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"Snart, what now?" Barry hissed as he felt Snart tug at his sleeves as they walked into S.T.A.R Labs.

"I'm bored," Snart said, "getting thrown into walls every time I go outside is not fun anymore."

"Well, good for you," Barry sighed. He looked over at Snart again when he felt the tugging furthermore, "I get it, you got hit by a meta's powers throwing you into the body of a child. Doesn't mean that you can act like one," he hissed, looking down at the fake innocence covering the six-year-old face of Leonard Snart.

"Whatever do you suggest of me?" Snart said, having to tip his head up to look at Barry.

"Do you want me to do something to entertain you?" Barry sighed, looking down at Snart.

"...yes?" Snart stated, sounding more like a question.

"First we got to let Caitlin run some tests on you," Barry said, watching as the six-year-old stopped.

"I don't like tests," Snart said, almost cringing.

"But you got to have them so that we can figure out how to get you back to normal," Barry sighed.

"Don't wanna'," Snart said, not realising his slip in speech.

"But you have to," Barry stated.

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"You're not going to get me there," Snart said.

"Alright, yes, we're not going there," Barry said, watching Snart's face light up, "on your own two feet. So I guess I will have to carry you."

Before Snart could make a break for it, he felt two arms lift him by his armpits as Barry held him. "Hate you..." He mumbled as he watched Barry lead him towards the medical room.

"I know you do," Barry said as he sat Snart down on the medical bench.

"Flash, you can't just nab some random child," Cisco said when he saw Barry place the child on the table.

"It's not a random child. It's Snart after being hit by the beam of the new meta," Barry explained.

"Aww, who knew Captain Cold was such a cute kid?" Cisco cooed.

"Can it, Techie!" Snart snapped.

"Well, he still is Snart," Caitlin commented before starting the tests.

"Could have fooled me," Barry snorted, gaining a kick from Snart, "no kicking, it's rude."

"Alright, I have everything I need," Caitlin said, causing Snart to try and get off the bench. The only reason that he didn't hit the floor headfirst as he tumbled is that Barry flashed himself over and caught him.

"You got to be more careful," Barry sniggered as he placed the grumbling Snart on the floor.

"Alright, everyone out of here, I need peace," Caitlin ordered, almost shoving them out.

"Well, I'm off to my lab," Cisco started, "good luck with Snart."

"Don't worry; he's already asked me to entertain him," Barry sniggered as he walked out the cortex with Snart, leaving a bemused Cisco behind.


"When I said entertainment, I did not mean this," Snart said as he watched Barry approach a mansion.

"I thought you liked getting into the homes of millionaires?" Barry questioned.

"I do but..."

"You never realised that I would?" Barry asked.

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now