Whistle, Or Not

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David watched as the elevator opened, revealing three men dressed in Army kit. He could recognise the rank slide on the middleman being the Sergeant they'd been sent to hand over the case to. He did not understand why a Sergeant had to come; it was a simple case handover. Usually, they send a specialist, like one of the other two, but not someone of that higher rank.

David hoped Allen wouldn't make them wait too long; he didn't know how long a Sergeant would wait. "I am Captain David Singh of the CCPD. If you would excuse me, may I ask why a Sargent has been asked to collect the handover, Sergeant—?"

"It is no worries; I am Sergeant Hunter Clarington; I asked to come to collect the case," the Sergeant said. "I know someone here and thought I would take the chance to visit them during the handover."

"I hope you find them during your stay, Sergeant Clarington," David said, glancing at the clock behind the three army men; he hoped Allen wouldn't be much later; he had already told him thirty minutes earlier than when they were meant to arrive. He hoped that meant he'd only have ten minutes more to wait, at most.

"I am sure I will."


David resisted the urge to fidget; he'd already sent someone to get the men their hot drinks, and he could only have a casual conversation for so long before they realised he was stalling.
He'd already positioned himself to use the window's reflective surface to glance up the stairs. He would have liked to stop them from looking up the stairs, but that change in position would have been noticeable — and he didn't know how they would react with him getting between the Sergeant and the exit.

It was only his detective training that stopped him from reacting as he heard the slight stumble at the top of the stairs. By the moment he glanced up, looking at the mirror, the steps had continued relentlessly, hitting loud and grabbing everyone's attention; Allen's almost poker face facial expression came into view.

"Smythe, I didn't think the rumours were true," Hunter smirked, looking up at the man walking over to him with single-minded focus.

The CCPD came to a standstill as they watched the little CSI make his way over silently to the Sergeant, who was talking their heart out.

"How many legs did you spread to get here, trusted among them?" Hunter continued. "It has to be near Dalton level."

Bassy passed over the documents to the nearest soldier before giving over control.
Seductive Demon grinned, quickly rearing his head and delivering a solid punch to Hunter's jaw and nose.
Sebastian grabbed the man before he fell to the floor, holding him up by the neck.

David swore his heart missed a beat when Barry shoved the folder into one of the soldier's hands. It downright stopped when he punched the Sergeant in the face.

Hunter chuckled. "Good to see you again, too, Bassy."

"How dare you," Bassy growled. "How dare you come here and disgrace this place with your presence?"

Hunter's eyes widened as the two soldiers didn't even move a muscle to help him. His neck was tight, squeezed in Smythe's hand, yet neither tried to stop it.

Sebastian looked around the room before looking at the specialist in the room. "Whitworth, good to see you went through with my recommendation to pursue forensics."

"Your reference got me in without even taking the basic entry exams," Whitworth grinned. "And you are right, it suits me so much better than the torture and interrogation techniques!"

David was sure that Allen and those soldiers were the only one's breathing in the entire building.

"You were never cut out for my program," Sebastian said. "You were too soft for it."

"Oh," the other soldier muttered, eyes going wide. "You're Captain Smythe, The Captain Smythe!"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at the almost squealing soldier. He certainly didn't expect that response when he punched and strangle Hunter. "You've heard of me, then?"

"Everyone that somehow made it through your course was put straight into their officers!" The soldier continued. "So many were hospitalised. I think you set a military record!"

Bassy felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. Good to see people were still singing his praises. He squeezed Hunter's neck in warning as the man tried to wiggle his way out of his grasp. "I designed it to be punishing. Many were too soft."

"You hospitalised people?" Whitworth asked.

"Not everyone listened to me like you did," Bassy sighed. "I had to prove to them they were too soft."

Hunter growled, trying to free himself only to freeze as Smythe squeezed his throat so hard he couldn't draw in any air. He spluttered as Smythe slowly released the pressure. "You're a coward," he said, throat already aching in the same way a bruise does. "You ran away, not even with a goodbye."

"I had no reason to return after the Army was done with me, I stayed long enough to train the people they wanted, then left," Sebastian said, "I didn't want to disgrace myself with being near you anymore than I had to."

"Allen, why are they calling you Smythe, and a Captain?" David asked, completely confused. Barry was still holding the Sergeant by the throat.

"I went by Sebastian Smythe for a while," Bassy shrugged, "and I achieved the rank of Captain by some miracle during my short time in the army."

"Of course you got Captain rank!" The soldier said firmly. "You're like the only person the military has hand chosen straight from High School and made sure your record was clean enough!"

Barry groaned internally, knowing that sentence would raise a lot of alarm bells in all the defective's minds — as if his current actions of strangling a military officer didn't.
"I had a particular set of skills they wanted," Sebastian grinned. "One last thing, Hunter, I certainly was not the coward compared to you. How the fuck were you allowed back into the military after all the shit you caused?"

Hunter grinned, although it came out more strained than he wanted. "Guess I also had a set of skills they wanted."

Bassy eyed Hunter carefully. "We'll see about that." He turned to Whitworth, "I believe you have everything you came here for?"

"Yes, sir," Whitworth nodded.

"Then take this trash back," Bassy said, throwing Hunter at the two soldiers' feet.

Hunter grunted as his little breath was knocked from his body, leaving everything to go fuzzy for a moment.

Whitworth grinned. "Of course, sir!" He grabbed one of the Sergeant's arms while his colleague grabbed the other. He dragged the officer out, knowing that Captain Smythe would have his back if he was reported.

Bassy turned to face the rest of the CCPD. He'd almost forgotten that they were present. "I've already explained as much as I want to." Bassy hoped that would snip their questions in the bud. "Besides, I have a phone call to make."
Barry headed up the stairs, staying clear of anyone that might try to grab him. He even locked his lab door to keep the others out.


The next day, the news of Hunter Clarington being dishonorably discharged from the army spread like wildfire around the CCPD. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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