A little run in between the villains

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"Yes, Satan, I will be there..." Sebastian sighed down the phone for what had to be the tenth time that day. "I won't miss our group meetup..."

"You better not," she warned before the line went silent.

Barry rose again and pushed Sebastian out of his place as he continued to work. He was going to allow Sebastian to have control tomorrow morning during the meetup, not before then.


Thanks to some new star-spangled case that The Captain had him currently working on, he was still in the building when it was pitch black outside. He just finished typing up the report when he felt the cold barrel of a gun press up against his exposed neck.

"Do not make a sound," he heard hissed as the muzzle dug slightly in to empathise it, "do exactly as I say."

He sat silently as he felt the click of handcuffs around his wrists and the familiar feeling of his lightning fading that comes with a meta blocker.


That's how Barry found himself to be kidnapped at the stroke of midnight by none other than Leonard Snart. Not interesting or creative - he was slightly disappointed in the thief.

"So, Scarlet, how are you?" Snart asked, his gun resting against his shoulder. He had a large smirk covering his face - it was as if he knew what Barry was going to say.

"Oh, wonderful!" Barry said, feeling some of Sebastian's sarcasm rising to the occasion, "totally didn't want to be in my bed, but instead tied to a chair with an old man staring at me!"

"Well, someones having a bad morning," Snart commented with a raised eyebrow.

"What time is it?" Barry asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"9:30 in the morning," Snart said with a quick glance to his watch.

"I was meant to meet up with my friends half an hour ago... They will be wondering where I am," Barry stated.

"No they won't, you are almost famous for being late," Snart snorted.

"Not with these friends," Barry smirked.

"They won't be able to find you yet," Snart pointed out.

"What makes you think that?" Bassy smirked with a dangerous look in his eye.

Just as Snart’s mouth opened to reply, there was the distant sound of screaming and small explosions. "What is that?" Snart questioned.

"My friends coming to get me," Bassy said as he worked on loosening the ropes.

"That doesn't sound like your friends," Snart stated.

"It does, just not the ones that you know," Bassy said as he stood from the restraints of the chair. Just at that moment, Bassy's friends came running through the door, a range of different weapons pointed at Snart.

"Seductive Demon, you alright?" One of the people asked.

"I'm alright, Satan," Sebastian nodded.

"Ready to kill your kidnapper?" Most of the people chortled. One a little trigger happy fired his gun, the bullet heading towards Snart.

Within that second, Bassy finally got the cuff off and had flashed in front of Snart, catching the bullet in his hand.

"I thought we wait until I tell you to kill to fire?" Bassy growled, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Sorry..." The trigger happy person mumbled as they all stared at Bassy with wonder.

'I can not believe what I am about to say,' Bassy thought to himself before he slung his arm around the man's shoulders and patted his chest, "no need to kill him. Snart and I have an understanding! I kidnap him, he kidnaps me!"

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now