Legends never die

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The sun was setting over the tree line, the silhouette of the city almost a far off country in comparison. If anyone was to look close enough at the ledge, ghosted in trees, they would see two shapes. One man dressed in red, the other in blue.

With a closer look, they would see the scars and wounds littering their bodies. For anyone, this would be a worry.

Not for this pair.

Superhero and supervillain. The Flash and Captain Cold. Barry Allen and Leonard Snart. They stood side by side.

For this pair, it was not a worry. It was normal... It should never be normal.

Take but one step closer and you would see the way they held themselves. Captain Cold was with his normal posture, The Flash... His shoulders were shaking with silent cries, his clenched fists dripping with mixtures of unknown substances.

If you listen more closely, you could hear the words exchanged between the duo.

"You know what Snart?" Barry chuckled, his eyes closed as the salty tears dripped from his masked chin.

"What is it, Scarlet?" Snart asked, turning his head slightly to look at the Scarlet Speedster.

"If we were to die, twenty years later, would they remember us?" He asked, opening his eyes as he stared down Snart's ice blue ones.

"I am not sure... You might be... You are the city's Scarlet Speedster. I am only the villain for a short amount of time," Snart replied thoughtfully. "Why did this come to mind?"

"There is an old saying. Legends never die. That doesn't talk about heroes nor villains... That leaves us out of it," Barry started. "Though I have a legend, proven as well, no one knows that it was me."

"You mean as the Scarlet Speedster?" Snart asked.

"No, as something darker..." Barry chuckled, "something more Smythe than Allen and more of a villain than a hero..."

"Where are you going with this?"

"I like to call it me... Others like to call it Seductive Demon..." Barry was cut off as Snart suddenly turned to face him.

"That name is almost a hero to the villain world. This amazing crime boss that went off-grid suddenly!"

Barry cut him off with a chuckle, "I see that he has a fan."

Snart went quiet, looking away partly. He shook his head before turning to face Barry again whose face was covered with a smug smirk-like grin.

"He has many a fan around the villain side of things - even some of the law inforces are fans," Snart explained, scratching his arm slightly. "What are you trying to get across?"

"What I am trying to get across is that I'm fed up with the way I am treated as the hero. I get bones, back and nerves destroyed - yet they expect me to be straight out without any consideration. Think about in prison, when you get hurt, you stay in a medical cell. You are not back in the shark pit." Barry sighed.

"When I was the Seductive Demon, it was expected there to be breaks between the crimes and sightings. They knew that it took time and that was fine. Now, when I am not seen for over an hour at certain points of the day, they panic or say that I am abandoning them." Barry growled, his body vibrating randomly as he lost control.

"But if I come back... Then I get the breaks and the fun at the same time... With no one to stop me... They can't get me..." Barry breathed.

Snart looked at him questioningly as Barry reached up towards his mask, at the points at his ears before throwing them away from him after crushing them in his hands.

Before Snart could even think to stop him, Barry had ripped the emblem from his chest and dropped it carelessly to the floor. As Snart reached forward to Barry's arm, the scarlet boot came down hard on the bolt, shattering it and crushing it as lightning flared up the boot.

Barry turned to face Snart, his eyes wild with unkept power and lightning.

"Barry? Are you ok?" Snart asked, pulling his own arm back to himself.

"Do you trust me?" He asked seriously.

"With my life," Snart replied strongly without thought. "Always."

"Good," he whispered back before shooting off holding onto Snart.

Snart was amazed, each time that Barry had held him, it was over in a moment. Never enough time to think to look let alone look. Now he was able to see everything go beside them.

He tried his best to be still, but by the end of it, he was sure his jaw had dropped in a different State.

When Barry had stopped moving, Snart was thankful for him holding onto him. His legs felt both alive and free, yet like jelly.

"Sorry if that was disorienting, I thought that I should finally show you what I see," Barry explained as he walked off to a different bit of the room.

"What... What was that..?" Snart questioned.

"That, my fine villain, was called the brief transfer of speed that a speedster can do. Thanks to me being the real speed force in a body, I give rather than transfer. I also have a lot more control over it than others have," Barry explained, almost humorously. "You ready to cause some trouble?"

Snart smirked.


Central City was in shambles. Their protector was gone and teamed up with Captain Cold. The city soon fell under their rein as time and time again heroes fought and lost and criminals fell to their feet.

The city screamed out their name... Soon the world was calling them legends. The city soon turned to one of wonder, the streets clean of filth. The only crimes happing from the duo.

The pair was bored... So bored that they started to do good things, they could never allow children to die or be injured.

Time and time again, the pair of legends drove into the fire, disappearing behind the smoke only to reappear with a child in each of their arms. They could be dripping with blood, but they always helped a child in need.

Maybe that was their good shining through, or maybe that was from their own pasts.

Their names before more than the Dark Knight of Gotham City.
They were ColdFlash - everyone dubbed them that - the Anti-Vigilantes of Central City!


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