Within a school, outside the school

884 40 4

Warning - is about school shootings.

"Bassy, have you done the work?"


"How?!" Nick screeched, "you were drinking all night!"

"Unlike others, I do not wait for the last minute," Sebastian grinned as he leaned forwards.

Nick snorted, still unable to think about how people thought Sebastian Smythe was not a nerd.

"Besides, it was simple; finished it within a few minutes," Bassy snorted.

"It was meant to take over an hour," Nick pointed out.

Bassy snorted, "if you say so."


"Everyone hand over their chemistry homework," the teacher stated.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair, the work on his desk as the teacher came around, "took mere minutes," he smirked.

"Then who did you bribe? We all know that you do," the teacher whispered as she came to collect his work.

"No one, did it all myself," Bassy smirked, leaning forwards.

The teacher scoffed before moving away and continuing with the rest of the class.


"Ugh!" Nick groaned, "I think we all fell asleep in that lesson!"

"Hmm, yes, she was such a bore," Sebastian sighed, "I've managed to grab the chemistry lab keys if you want to join me blow some things up?"

Nick turned to Sebastian with wide eyes, quickly nodding.



"What was that?" Nick asked, his head flicking around to look away from the bunsen burner and at the origin of the noise.

"A door," Sebastian stated, turning the blue flame orange.

There was a distant sound, muffled through the lab's thick walls, screaming and what sounded like far away pops.

Sebastian's eye widened as he realised what was happening, "Nick, there's a shooter," he whispered, quickly dismantling the set-up they had, "text 911, everything on silent or off."

"On it," Nick whispered back, crouching down.

After turning off the gas and lights (feeling that he had the time) and blocking the door, he crouched down next to Nick. "Don't put your chest against the floor," he hissed, pulling the boy to his hands and knees, "ricochets could hit you in the chest."

The chemistry lab fell into silence before the sound of approaching footsteps echoed around their ears.

"Try the lab," they heard a voice speak, "might be something useful."

"The doors locked," a second voice piped up, the door handle rattling.

"Then open it," the first voice grunted.

"You ever try and break into the lab in high school?" A third voice piped up, "impossible. It's not worth it; there will be other places."

"Fine," the first voice grunted, "let's go."

As the steps receded into the distance, Sebastian and Nick released the breath they didn't realise they were holding. The minutes ticked by like hours, no noise scarce their breathing and the thumping of their hearts in their ears.

"We should run, get out of here," Nick stated in a whisper.

"Yeah," Sebastian whispered back, "let's go."

Together, they got to their feet. Glancing out the window, they both saw that they'd not be able to jump from this height, not with the spiked fences that were up in place.

"They see us, don't run in a straight line; you're guaranteed to get shot," Sebastian whispered, "zig-zag like you've never done before."


They'd nearly gotten to the exit when suddenly Sebastian ran headfirst into one of the shooters, causing the man to drop his weapon.

Sebastian bearly thought for a second before he planted a fist straight into the man's face before continuing to run for the door.

Nick quickly raised his hands as he came face to face with about ten armed police. He saw Sebastian do the same, allowing the officers to pat them down before moving to where they were told to stand while the building was cleared.


"Dam," Cisco said, looking over the news for the different states, "I can not imagine how terrified the children must have been."

Barry walked over, reading the heading over Cisco's shoulder. "So afraid that time seemed to creep by, enough adrenaline that meant that they were in a state of constant awareness. Even being rescued or escaping is terrifying, armed police."

Cisco looked up at Barry in confusion, "that sounds like that came from experience. Have you been involved in a school shooting?"

"Yeah, during high school, two shooters broke into the school," Barry said, "it turns out they attacked four different classrooms, one of which was my French class."

"Did you get injured?"

"No, I was skipping class at the time, messing around in the lab after stealing the keys," Barry shrugged, "the shooters didn't even try and break the lock to the chemistry lab. I did run into one. However, I managed to knock him out before he picked up his weapon."

"You knocked one out?!"

"It was a prep school; we did hours of physical activity each day," Barry shrugged, "I planted one punch to the face, and the man was out like a light. We were lucky that the men had decided to split up, however."

"That's sick, man!" Cisco said with wide eyes, "not the whole shooting children part, but the one-shot k.o!"

Bassy chuckled with a slight smirk, "at least you can see the humour part of it."


Amy3241 sorry for this coming out a year after you asked about it previously. I did initially intend for it to be more; however, after it sitting there for so long, I decided to get it done instead of trying too hard to reach something I couldn't think of anymore.
I hope you enjoy it anyway.

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